Polish state broadcaster's new children's show

Polish state broadcaster's new children's show.

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I used to think Polacks were cool guys.
Really starting to come around on that.

Tvp is state propaganda. Please don't judge us by their shitty ideas

it's a mask off moment. all russian shills are taking their masks off, all frens are staying true even unexpectedly at times (czech republic). obviously russian shills have no place in europe anymore and this russian war has greatly legitimized our entire international position


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>has greatly legitimized our entire international position
Your position of being cannon fodder for America? EU told you to go fuck yourself and will probably put sanctions on you.

Don't worry I'm not blaming you for your tv. I'm talking about rabid US/NATO dicksuckers like popping up.

You idiot realize Russia actions means more presence of mutts in Europe.

You Any Forumstards cannot think wider and don't see the consequences of actions, you round headed troglodities cheer for "muh russia kill jews kill globohomo" but don't realize it means more globohomo in your own fucking country.

Also russia isn't an alternative to globohomo. China is.

I'm not a fan of Russia either, my gripe is with the blind obedience and belief in western propaganda I've seen displayed by many Polacks here. Many seem to lose all sense of nuance and relativism and go into blind Russian hatred.
I'm a bit disappointed in my fellow poltards, is all.

>guise, globohomo winning means that globohomo will lose, guise. Also, guise, globohomo losing means that globohomo will win, guise!
Belters will adopt all positions, no matter how illogical they are, to be able to seethe about Russia.

same vibe

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Polish people are rightfully pissed. We have refugee crisis here and also fuel prices are though the roof, literally no benefits of this war for Poland only troubles.

How can any of us cheer for that?

I start to support Russia, because I cheer for the losing side.

Polish people are 'ok'. Until Russia is mentioned, then they turn into the most obedient propaganda repeating, not possible to to have any meaningful discussion with good goys that you have ever seen.

Hard working, kind of honest but lack critical thinking ability. Dare I say it? Goyims? Maybe those kikes are on to something after all...

but what is to discuss about Russia? Repeating the state propaganda and believing it's true?

Russia had right to place their military whenever they wanted, but they chose to invade Ukraine, game over.

The same people that flood my country with niggers support Ukraine. I sm cheering for whoever opposes globohomo, and it is glaringly obvious that the CIA Zelensky government are the globo homo kikes here.

epic redit comeback. Can you share your redit account so i can upvote your posts and check out more epic zingers that you have lined up?

You prove my point exactly. You forget every and anything that happened before the exact moment the invasion begun. Because this supports the narrative that was molded into your maleable slavic brain.

Any meaningful discussion is impossible with someone like you.

Even anti-EU polish parties support Ukraine.

Just because Reddit supports Ukraine doesn't mean Ukraine is bad, your hate filled brain cannot comprehend that sometimes when shit happens people are more united in beliefs.

Point proven again. Dismiss all history, Putler invade Putler bad mkay.

Just go pick tomatoes and asparagus in Germany and the Netherlands and leave politics to the grown ups.

And what happened before the invasion, monkey?

I didn't critize Russia for placing their armies close to borders, but Russia chose the war, it's their fucking fault.

Your country is called "Germania Inferior" for a reason you are the same German Russian cocksucker, but you also manage to be pathetic and inferior at the same time.

Russians shot down the plane and killed hundreds of your specimen and you're still going on for defending.

German apebrains are something else, you don't care that Russians would kill you all if they could. Meaning you deserve all of this.

>Putler invade Putler bad mkay.

Killing civilians is LE GOOD because hmmm.. it's baded... Any Forumscels said that!

Russia did not take down MH17.
You should stop swallowing all that jew cum.

The amount of Polish people wanting to live here vs the other way around proves to any and everyone who the superiour country is lol.

>Dismiss all history
you'll probably dismiss me from your high horse as well, but saying that when describing poland-russia relations is just lol

Zelensky is the civilian killer here.

Russian backed separatists using RUSSIAN military gear shot down the plane. The Russian involvement was so obvious you have to be retard to deny that.

>it's her fault she was provoking with that dress

You are a fucking disgrace.

Burgerland has infected the world with its propaganda.
Nuke us, please

You gullible slavic retard. Does it even matter? You will always be a vessel, a slave, either to Russia or to the Globohomo west.

Because you and your kin lack critical thinking as you have demostrated time and time again in this thread.

Ok... Thats all? You are still a gullible naive Pole that is used and abused left and right.

statista.com/statistics/1293492/ukraine-war-casualties/ so far 700 civilians died in Ukraine. Let’s say that figure is around 1000 now.

So if Russia were targeting them wouldn’t it mean more like 100,000+ after 3 weeks of war? They are holding back.

Meanwhile the Ukrainian government has killed 20,000 people in Eastern Ukraine over the past 8 years and the whole world didn’t give a shit.

You have every right to be upset, you are being dealt a very bad hand.
I just wish Poles would see that you are getting fucked from all sides instead of supporting NATO and letting butthurt against Russia get out of control.