Climate change emergency INCOMING

>A draft of the climate portion of the plan shared by a House Democratic office included the request for the national emergency declaration, along with requests for Biden to declare a ban on oil and gas drilling on federal lands, end domestic and international fossil fuel subsidies, and issue executive orders related to environmental justice and clean air and water.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-03-16 at 09-19-42 POLITICO Pro Article House liberals to urge Biden to declare climate emergency-qouyQ.png (924x1047, 652.79K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Back in 2021-10-02

Attached: Screenshot 2021-12-29 at 14-58-39 It's 2023 Here's How We Fixed the Economy - climate change - climate lockdowns 2023 - TIME.com3.png (1025x936, 1.29M)

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This. The green movement is Russian disinfo and probably all traitors as a result.

Bullshit. What Russia wants is to be able to sell their resources so it makes no fucking sense at all.

Reminds me of the Bermuda triangle stories. Was it masons signalling that you can make financial traces disappear in Bermuda ?

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The climate cultists in the West are funded by Gazprom.

>Russian disinfo
Where the fuck did you come from new friend?

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>if the trend is not reversed by 2000
>countries will be destroyed by 2000

Why are you denying the science

Holy shit that would be the death of Alaska

starting to sound like intentional economic sabotage
world wide

I honestly wish that was true and it was all a big hoax, but unfortunately it isn't. Instead of just reading what incompetent media that loves sensationalising things or hearing from politicians who all just want to generate voters, read the actual science.
This global interdependent civilisation so focused on the collection of meaningless imaginary money that's decimating the natural world at an absolutely huge scale to feed our need to overconsume has no fucking future. We're not on track at all to cut down the damage, and things are only starting to accelerate now.
Prepare for the collapse.
Realise how absurd and out of the ordinary everything we take for granted is now is, and how far removed it is from the norms 50, 100, and 500 years ago.

We're a still primitive species of ape that advanced so quickly due to our curiosity but still beset with so much tribalism and a need to always have a "them" to fight against.
Humanity may survive the century, but our current civilisation won't. We'll have to adapt to conditions that definitely won't let us have this level of life comfort.

And even if we don't survive, the last 10,000 years has been just the blink of the eye to this ancient earth. Life will flourish again and reclaim our abandoned deteriorating cities, whether 100 years after, or a million

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Durr fake jewish kike shill map!!! "red = bad xD"!!


Attached: Screenshot 2022-01-21 at 21-48-22 International Finance Leaders Hold ‘War Game’ Exercise Simulating Global banking collaps attack3-czE9A.png (709x803, 569.9K)

kek, wrong google link

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>How will humanity respond?
We'll kill the elites. It's as simple as that. If they push on their populace in this manner, pushing ever more hardships, fucking up farming and food logistics, they will find revolt and eventual execution the best they can hope for.

Bullshit. We, you, me, every user here, every normie out there will do JACK SHIT.
>The experiment is over now they know how far they can push the plan around 22 months.jpg

Attached: The experiment is over now they know how far they can push the plan around 22 months.jpg (1126x328, 94.11K)

It's just all about putting more money in their pockets.

Okay, I have another one.

Attached: climate-ch.jpg (720x1020, 321.16K)

>ukrainian flag
>passages and passages of text
sorry newfag. no

he was just playing around
better safe than sorry, goy
no refunds

>Heh, take that shill! They had to take down the sign because 5% of the glacier is still left!

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Notice lot of cheering about climate conservation in this thread.
Guess the ukraine posters are about to change "emergencies" pretty soon?

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You know nothing of science you file shill filth.

All the climate alarmism is based on shitty models that are proven more wrong literally every single year as they consistently fail to make accurate predictions.

Yet the "scientists" keep using the models that are known to be worthless. Illustrating that it is entirely intentional. They are intentionally lying to create fear.

Keep buying time magazine you fucking jew.

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Ok what's about the same temperature increases across every planet in our solar system? How do we stop that? Or is it a non related coincidence?

i always love when foreign retards like OP think that they know anything about the U.S. the house progressive caucus is a fucking joke even to democrats

I’m not adapting to shit, kys

>muh shitty models
that's a _CURRENT TEMPERATURE_ anomaly map, you fucking low brained faggot.
Show me a single model, anywhere, with a singular instantiation of a negative global temperature anomaly
You won't find it, because the Earth is getting hotter on average. It's just a fact.

Seems so. That bullshit won't stick tho.

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>Jared Huffman

Typical. Lawyers are usually at the root of all these evil schemes.

right so why not create a situation where customers gut their own energy production in the name of fighting the "climate crisis" and thus put them in a potition where they realize they fucked up, need oil desperately and aretherefore forced to pay any and all costs to get it back?
starting production is never a light switch but shutting everything down and destroying it sure is. fossil fuels cannot just disappear and countries like russia understand this. they are just fostering a situation where countries like the US will be forced to deal with extreme price gouging.

nigga you are a moron. humans survived the last ice age just fine. you faggots aren't stopping shit when it's largely natural self correcting cycles that at most we sped up maybe a century or two

When are they going to impeach these bozos for sedition?


>winter pic vs summer pic
ok cool

the biggest mistake climate activists ever made was hitching their wagon to rising sea levels so hard. Now that desertification, forest fires, heat waves, extreme weather events are commonplace people still tell climate activists to fuck off based on retarded predictions specifically about sea level rise.

Ok so they should have asked for a rough date this would happen +/- 10 years or something. Is it 2025? Maybe 2100 or even 3500? This article is strictly fear mongering without this data.

Does it has to? at this point how many can still pay for gas? and the worst part of hyper inflation it hasnt even started yet. Add to that food shortage and price increase?
Wish normies start killing politicians at that point but Im not hopeful.



what do you think a glacier is

Termites produce more CO2 each year than all living things combined

Termite and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Facts:

Scientists have calculated that termites alone produce ten times as much carbon dioxide as all the fossil fuels burned in the whole world in a year.

Pound for pound, the weight of all the termites in the world is greater than the total weight of humans.

Scientists estimate that, worldwide, termites may release over 150 million tons of methane gas into the atmosphere annually. In our lower atmosphere this methane then reacts to form carbon dioxide and ozone.

It is estimated that for every human on Earth there may be 1000 pounds of termites.

On the average Termites expel gas composed of about 59% nitrogen, 21% hydrogen, 9% carbon dioxide, 7% methane, and 4% oxygen.

It is thought “There are 2,600 different species of termites, and it is estimated that there are at least a million billion individual termites on Earth, that they emit two and four percent of the global carbon dioxide and methane budget, respectively-both mediated directly or indirectly by their microbes.

Attached: Screenshot 2021-10-15 at 03-30-18 Carbon Dioxide Fertilization Greening Earth, Study Finds.png (957x1110, 469.08K)

will this happen before or after the cyber pandemic?
i dont get why they arent more forthcoming with all their agenda
im sure by this point normies would LOVE a one world govmt socialist dystopia