Meaning of "Holol"

Why do Ukrainians call themselves Holols? What is the meaning and etymology of this word?

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>Why do Ukrainians call themselves Holols?
we don't
it's a derogatory word

Shut up hoelol

What’s it mean

The amount of shilling they get here have started to make me hate them more than the ruskies

i think normaly it means pic related

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It's about their traditional hairstyle

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You're German, you should know this by now.
From memory, Holhol is the abbreviation for the Russian word for a collective farm. My best guess is that Ukrainians were unfortunately forced to be the majority thereof.

>holodomor lol
holo + lol = holol

A bundle of sticks?

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so the usage implies that they are a backwards, agrar society? maybe also because they grow a lot of wheat then...

or the bird thing and cossacks hairstyle, also what is backwarded about common gardening practice?

holodom apparently means starvation
so holols = those who starve

Its short for Holodomors

for me it's not backward, but those who use the word mean it that way.
It's like calling someone "peasant". I have respect for peasants, but those who use that word in a derogatory way, mean that they are dumb and can't behave

>derogatory word
Retard who doesn't know his own history.

Hohol = hairstyle.

Firstly, in Kievan Rus, the forelock on the head (aka hohol) symbolized belonging to a noble family. Secondly, in Russia there are quite a lot of non-judgmental geographical names dating back to this ethnonym: Khokhlovskaya Square and Khokhlovskiy Lane in Moscow, the village of Khokhly in the Voronezh Region, Khokhlovsky Creek in the Nizhny Novgorod Region, and some others.

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that thing on the top of ukie's head is called "hohol" in russian.

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would seed

ukrainians have the most interesting traditional dress in all of europe imo

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we calls them "хoхoл" (means "crest") for haircut.
they call us "кaцaп" (means "goat") for wearing beard

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scandi dress is nice too

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they don't, they prefer a name Poles picked for them


i find my explanation more compelling

Also, "лях"(lyakh) for Poles
I don't know what does it mean lol.

the native name for ukraine is hoholland


I though лях is for Litva or Latvia? Poles are пшeкs.

I believe it's from old foundation legend about 3 brothers Lech(Lach), Czech and Rus.

Lech is a mythological founder of Poland, so poles as lyahi or lehichi

"Шo, cынкy, пoмoгли тeбe твoи ляхи?"
That's for Poles nobles.