Why were retards circlejerking about McDonalds closing in Russia?

Why were retards circlejerking about McDonalds closing in Russia?
Don't they understand that's it's a brand that cares about it's image and has quality standards?
It's not like Russians will stop eating fastfood, after the 2014 happenings I remember "Crimeaburgers" being sold in local joints. Now your average Russian will have to eat a shawarma made with a special sauce of Armen's e. coli and stale cum.
>but muh fags
Corpos don't care about fags, they care about shekels.
In other words, what kind of an imbecile thinks that closing McDonalds is an epic win for the health of society?
P.S. Burger chains suck anyway, who the fuck ate there anyway?

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Nothing of value was lost. Only liberashkas and piderasts eat in this food joint.

Thanks for the bump, I guess.

>quality standards

Not closed in Siberia. Food is still shit though, only edible is Big Tasty.

They might be low, but they're still there.
For example, in my city it took a while for McDonalds to open because they were looking for a proper local supply chain.

Are you from Siberia? If so, hi, fren!

Come home Russian man

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I'd love to try that, actually.

>quality standards

>Only liberashkas and piderasts eat in this food joint.
So 90% of your country?

What kind of zany green drink is that on the top right

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Do you lads think Russia is as full of shit as the west is in its portrayal of the military operation taking place within Ukraine right now

Not as full of shit, but definitely not as glorious. The truth is in the middle as always.

>shawarma made with a special sauce of Armen's e. coli and stale cum.
How's that any different?

Let me explain in very simple terms.
If McDonalds fucks up and gives people e. coli it's a national outrage, six gorillion dollars in lawsuits (even in Russia), etc.
If Armen's shawarma gives people e. coli, it's local news and Armen changes his "individual entrepreneur" license, don't know how this type of business is called in Leafland.

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> McDonalds
Quiet Ivan. This is the most beautiful thing in the world. Shh. Don't ruin the beauty of pic related by filling the atmosohere with your random prattle.

Tapхyн probably. Made with tarragon

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>Chiken Naggets
>GAMBURGER if I'm reading it correctly
What the fuck

to celebrate russian victory i am making shuba with pepers and drinking mexican made vodka

Ironically sanctioning Russia from McDonalds has been their most successful advertisement yet.

Back to your cuckshed, you're not relevant anymore, American swine.

McDonald's is a false flag
KFC is building 7

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It doesn't matter in itself but it's an indicator your country is fucked. Integrated free markets prosper, sanctioned and embargoed economies die.

russian mountain dew?

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Mountain Dew is so fucking terrible holy shit, it's just liquid sugar.


Well. No one told you to trust Armenians. It would be like going to a restaurant run by niggers here.

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I don't trust them, but my preferences don't matter because shawarma is overwhelmingly popular here as a street food anyway. You know, small kiosks with no sanitation measures included?