At what point will mainstream scientists finally admit we're all alone in the universe?

At what point will mainstream scientists finally admit we're all alone in the universe?

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At what point will mainstream scientists finally admit that they are retards that don't know shit?

We're not alone
We have each other.
Maybe the real ayyys
Were the frens we made along the wayyyy

never, these faggots have too much hubris

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The universe is so vast that the exact conditions of earth have had to be repeated.

This is cute.

How about a link?
Couldn't find that headline with a web search.

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when until they stop with the globe earth psyop too?

yes and so what, we are definitel alone, even if there is an earth like this somewhere, it is billions of lightyears away, so if we look there, or they look here, they see nothing, as earth here looking from there has not formed yet or is just a rock on fire and vice versa

Don’t know that for certain.

We do know for certain we’re alive here.
And that Jews are fucking this place up.

Good question the sooner the better

It is truly bizarre the kikes hate space and the idea of goys escaping the planet so much. When I was a kid, space was the most fascinating thing with a lot of our culture devoted to it and the idea of conquering. Art Bell and aliens were every where.

Now these nigger faggot kikes are trotting out this horse shit, desperate to keep their prison planet in tact and to stunt humanity into being a retarded slave like species that never fulfills it's destiny in the stars.

I absolutely hate kikes for this.

Yes miracles. God.


> For life to have evolved somewhere else, it would have to take longer than the whole of Earth's projected lifespan
> Earth is 4.5 billion years old
> Expected lifespan another 1 billion before the sun swallows it, so 5.5
> Age of the universe: 13.8 billion years
So what they're saying is life DOES exist elsewhere?

absolutely. theyre out there. our brothers and sisters.

God exists. God made us in his image. What more evidence do you need.

And it would probably have happened so far away from here that it might as well be in a different universe, cos we're never gonna reach it.

dail reminder, humans evolved from soft, furry, vegetarian primates. not snakes, owls or lions like the poorly developed british/jews wish they evolved from.

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you could argue that your dreams were all a big lie and now youre seeing it for what it really is, as opposed to the other way around

Miracles? What you mean creationism?

Burden of proof on you poofah

meh bullshit

we're alone, impossible for such scale

But we should not try to get attention, if someone gets to us first would mean they're on several steps above and we're insects to them. They'll just dry us out of resources.

>1 post by this ID
>No link

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Intelligence as a whole is rare
We are taught all humans posses it to a degree
The opposite is true. Most “humans” are not intelligent human beings, the cattle NPC memes are real. They’re everywhere, on this board too. ((They)) want you to think we’re all equal because that’s how ((they)) control both the human species and the lookalike humans. ((They)) also understand that the lookalike humans have reached critical mass, hence the depopulation agenda.

kek, even normies fell for "they're out there somewhere!"
albeit, I'm confident that life in some form IS somewhere else as well.
but zero intelligent life outside of earth

I cannot even begin to imagine the sheer amount of stupidity condensed in the skulla of these faggots. How can anyone in their right mind claim that today's humans are the pinnacle of intellect?

>look at this headline from I sawed on muh faceberg
I hate you guys so much its unreal

>t. britmutt too retarded to go into space

Photos automatically bump threads ding dong

2% of stars have the same basic system patterns as Sol, within our galaxy. That's 2-8 billion stars. Let's assume that only 10% of them have planets(it's definitely way more than that, but whatever), that's still 200,000,000-800,000,000 stars. Now let's say that of those planets of reasonable size, composition, and within the goldilocks zone, with all the reasonable conditions; only 0.01% of them have or have had the capacity for life (considering that both Venus and Mars technically have this, this is a massive underestimation, but whatever, for the sake of argument), that's still hundreds of thousands of planets in our galaxy with a reasonable recipe for life.
And that's just our relatively small galaxy. in a universe with untold trillions of galaxies. And i'm being led to believe that in all of that, there's nothing? Nonsense. My guess is that there's thousands of intelligent species in our galaxy alone.

Rocketry is hard science and we could have been living on Mars for the last 40 years.

>I love you user — Ayychan

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> Quintillions of planets in the Local Group alone
> Trillions in habitable zones
> Billions most likely have some form of life
> "Intelligent life elsewhere is impossible because of certain rare statistical events on Earth that shaped humanity the way it is now!"

When you have billions if not trillions of planets with life, rare statistical events become a common thing.

>They'll just dry us out of resources.
Russia should be dry out of resources.

The consequences of this are immense. It is so mathematically unlikely that it makes simulation therory, or the existence of God, almost a mathematical certianty.

Theres no such thing as a British jew faggot or an American jew or anything else, a jew is always just a jew.
But muh history yeah, yeah, we were the first golem, you were the next and now it will be China.

Did you say miracles?

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very very very low IQ post

We are the ayyys.

>took a series of miracles to spawn intelligent life on Earth
>btw God's not real, trust the science!

How about all matter and space? You think this shit just popped up out of nowhere for no reason at all with no driving force behind it?

"There was nothing, then like...then for like no reason, thingd started to exist out of nowhere." Is the scientific explanation. Absolutely fucking absurd.

>The universe is quite possibly infinite
>na mate the erf is a one off
Fucking retards.

Really? The FAQ doesn't mention this.

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Scientists don't discredit god. In fact top ones usually believe. It's dunning Kruger retards who say science over god. A true scientists knows some things are just ... Not as it seems

I honestly feel sorry for you and much of your generation. All you have to look forward to is new video games and Netflix series.


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Look up (((axis of evil))). Turns out Copernicus was wrong and the earth really is at the center of the universe. Astrologyfags are so butthurt they call the evidence “evil”. The greatest irony is that science will one day prove the existence of God and atheists will be eternally btfo by the very thing they worship. .

humans have proven to be extremely stupid the last 2 years, and especially the last month. there is life elsewhere in the universe, to believe otherwise is retardation. we don't have the capability to comb through our own galaxy, much less the entire universe, the scope of which we cannot fathom. any (((scientist))) who says it is unlikely is a piece of trash.