Redpill me on Sweden, are Swedes really cucks

Redpill me on Sweden, are Swedes really cucks

Attached: swedensteppers-20220316-0001.jpg (1440x1574, 154.71K)

Yes we are.

The joke is that the previous owner of the store is called Chuck so if you replace "Sneed" with "Chuck" you get "Chuck's Feed & Seed".

Why do you need a ”redpill”. Just read the fucking news you cringy faggot. Sweden is fucked in a lot of ways.

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Yeah? How so? A friend of mine that visits sweden regularly says that stockhom has a bunch of nigger somali ghettos but the rest of the country is pretty damn white.

Sweden is cucked because swedes just like other nordics are little pussies who take the bbc, let Ahmeds rape their women and never fight back

Slavs are superior to nordcucks just look at those ukranians in refugee camps who fighted afghans face to face

t. Russian who lives in Sweden
Also fuck Denmark

Sweden is the prime example of the implications of being shy of conflict. Afraid of confronting and protecting their women and offspring from Mohammed, and this effect ripples all the way up to the ministries of Sweden, where they cry on public television, when they are forced to close the borders for new sand niggers.

Swedes are well aware, they are being cucked out of their homes and origins, but they still dare not face the conflict.

Nords are the real subhumans
Slavs are superior and more chad

yes now go away.

>Also fuck Denmark

Shut the fuck up dänske
You act like you're not part of the ultimate pussy race aka the germanics

Ur country cucked too

Fucked like most places on earth, there is no comfy white ethnostate anywhere


Yes we are fags

I hate you because ur language is shit
I hate you because you're in Nato
I hate you because skåningar exist and they are the most autistic people in Sweden they cant fucking speak Swedish. Ahmed Abdul who makes my kebab everyday talks better swedish than your autistic minority that has been living in Sweden for more than 800 years but still hate all Swedes and cannot properly speak swedish

Belarus is, if not lukashenko and corruption it would literally be the whitest and best place on earth

Fuck Danmark Fuck Skåne Fuck Skåningar Fuck Blonde Cucks

Brown haired slavs are superior

all manle swedes died in Deluge

It is, and I am a cuck too. But Sweden takes the lead, and you know, it's true. You are often used as an example of worst case scenario. I'm sorry. We are not saying this to provoke you, because we all share sympathy with your situation

Swedes have been ultimate cucks since the vikings
Only in Sweden you see 40 people go against 1 person in a fight. Happened to me personally
Both Ahmeds and Swedes do this shit

whiteness is only one aspect. So what they're 99% white (well, not anymore, since lukashenko imported iranians tto throw at polish border), if they're ruled by a retard

Can you take your minority skåningar back? I dont fucking want them here

Also another question:
Why is your language so fucking ugly? I mean cant u just speak swedish instead?

I don't think that would happen in Poland. Though things are changing. And not for the better. We're losing unity, ironically since entering the european union

>I hate you because you're in Nato
I don't know much about our strategic position in the world. What I do know is, that we share ancestry (unless youre a filthy sand nigger), and therefore a common ability and interest to build something beautiful together. Channel your hate through the proper constructive channels

Yeah in slavic countries you get called a faggot if you go many people against one. Its either gang vs gang or 1 vs 1. Not fucking 40 people against one person. Only nordcucks and sandniggas do such disrespectful subhuman things.
We slavs get called subhumans all the time here but times has changed and i realized that slavs are superior and smarter than nordics.