You will own nothing and be happy

You will own nothing and be happy.

Attached: 34252345.png (674x892, 111.34K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>increasing money velocity
>preventing you from saving for a rainy day, or to absorb shocks in your life
This is a fucking scam. This is basically an admission that the entire international system of finance is a pyramid scheme dependent on 24/7 slavery.

>>increasing money velocity
>>preventing you from saving for a rainy day, or to absorb shocks in your life
>This is a fucking scam. This is basically an admission that the entire international system of finance is a pyramid scheme dependent on 24/7 slavery.
Of course. This reminds me of Communist nationalization.
>you own too many houses
>you have too many chicken
>you have too many rooms in your house, here's 2 niggers, a gypsy and a guy that suffers from antisocial personality disorder
>oops, condoms and abortions are now illegal! we need more wageslaves... get to fucking, cattle!
when you wake up from this nightmare you realize that most of what makes you a citizen is simply a goy narrative enforced by kikes through laws and the economic system.

Just by realizing this you have become 50% a jew. You're like a jew that knows he's part of the "chosen people" but has inherited nothing and starts with 0. It's still worth a lot.

It will make you completely dependent on the government for your next paycheck. You will only be allowed to work with Approved™ companies.

It will just escalate investment in real estate and further pump air into their real estate bubble. More empty buildings etc

Sounds like a nightmare to manage. I assume each token takes on its use by date at creation, the problem is who would want to trade you for a token with 1 day left of life? If buying something resets the date you just trade it back and forwards.
Best to just swap your shitty yuan for gold or something as soon as you get it.


Attached: formation of the CCP.png (1056x2880, 1.79M)

Post link.

Yeah, the investment bankers are really going to want this.

>Get Yuan
>Exchange it for crypto

>to effectively and boost
You accidentally a word bruh fml senpai, not bussin ngl

Holy shit. Somebody made a post about this years ago on Any Forums except it wasn't about yuan, he was saying it was the plan for the globohomo currency. He also said there was going to be a separate currency for the elites that doesn't have the expiration date.

Bertrand Russell and other globalist thinkers were writing about shit like this almost a hundred years ago. This is why we were warning people about UBI, social credit systems, eco-credit card limits and so on.

Attached: agenda21cover.gif (312x403, 30.08K)

Yes, but who is going to exchange bitcoin for currency that will disappear in a month?

if you assume the following as axioms/premises:
>the world is a kike/goy system
>everything that the public can easily access (msm, hollywood, etc.) is a goy narrative designed to emasculate you, weaken you, turn you insane, and force you to become financially weak (9-5ing, loans, etc.)
>the goys are submissive, weak and complicit in the activities of the kikes
basically the world is like a crime scene, where the nigger is the kike and the gun he's holding is the goy and the bullets that exit the gun are the goy narrative (kike propaganda and mass mind control).

Then it's easy to open a history book and see how many options the kikes have. They can always take anything you own. Even in developed, rich countries that boast about "muh freedoms", e.g. civil forfeiture in the US. Even if you don't get your shit expired or taken away from you, they can still control you in indirect ways.
>we took your money through civil forfeiture
>oy vey! goy, it's not unconstitutional! you can pay a lawyer 15k to recover you 10k, alright? if and only if you're not a drug dealer terrorist le bad man!

>separate currency for the elites that doesn't have the expiration date.
That one is called gold

How can you invest if you can’t save enough to invest? Seems like a worthless currency outside of slavery.

Not if you have nationalised assets and a functioning understanding of Hitlerian socialism.

This is a really good idea, but the money should be UBI. Give people free money every month but they have to spent it within 30 days or it gets deleted from their app.

at some point they'll just scan you at birth and assign you to be one of the persons that, when they reach 18, are going to be sent to a factory to be ground up into OmniPaste. Fuck treating us goys as human beings, right?