Is he ded pol?

nobody can find him

Attached: Wheres Wali?.jpg (254x198, 5.14K)

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FTM tranny

stupid russians think its that easy to get him to reveal his location

did he die in Mariupol?


Attached: Wali-Sniper-1.jpg (1920x1080, 1.24M)

You know those civilian buildings that Ukraine put snipers in and Russia demolished.


ppl said he got ded


Attached: Wheres Wally.png (652x930, 1.39M)


m-m-maybe hes just hiding

Attached: 1406361097.jpg (405x500, 123.68K)

Never existed.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 147.22K)

Beta looking bitch killing people miles away hope hes dead

the story did not bother with logic.
the game was good though

He's on a secret mission just like the rebels on Endor! Remember when Luke surrendered to Vader, but turned him against the Emperor? Putin better watch out, Walla-walla-bing-bang is coming !

Attached: wally.jpg (580x501, 131.15K)

he is not a canadian hero or w.e they say, i had never heard of this guy until he went to ukraine. i wouldn't be surprised if he got btfo, battling goat herders and farmers is not the same as a trained military.

these guys are cucks, there are no combat heros from afghanistan

Raped and gaped by the chechens

He's literally still alive and posting on Facebook. I can't believe how much of a grip russian shills have over this site

Is that Tim Pool?

I just want to know what moisturiser he uses.

Honestly have any of you ever met a solider especially one spent times in a desert with skin like that? People who work outdoors in hatch conditions wear it on their face.

why would a sniper hiding in a ditch being still and not wanting to give away a cellular signature or location be posting on facebook?

Fuck, that sounds hot.

nigga you gay


Attached: pidor-the-great.jpg (580x584, 67.67K)

>that weak chin

Naw man
Imagine getting steal a person's "manhood"

imagine being gay oh wait you don't have to imagine