Yfw you have the CIA undermine the elected government of the Ukraine and install an extremely corrupt globohomo ZOG as...

>yfw you have the CIA undermine the elected government of the Ukraine and install an extremely corrupt globohomo ZOG as payback to Putin for supporting his ally Assad in the (((Syrian civil war))) and ultimately costing you all those sweet sweet shekels you were going to get from stealing Syria's gas and oil and selling it to Europe

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wow so cool tell me more please

That's definitely what happened. The USA does this all over the world, almost exclusively for the purpose of stopping democratically elected left-wing governments and replacing them with murderous right-wing dictators. We did it in the Ukraine because of Yanukovych's relationship with Russia, though.

Also I condemn your antisemitism via the "ZOG" and "sheckels" remarks. That's just dumb. This whole issue has nothing to do with jews. It has to do with US imperialism per usual. As state previously, generally we're deposing left-wing democratically elected leaders and installing pro-capitalist right-wing puppets. This was more of a unique and special circumstance

Oh and one more thing as for why we actually ended up doing it. Viktor Yanukovych decided to pull out of a trade deal with western powers in favor of a cozier relationship with Russia. So naturally in the end the almighty dollar was the motivator for it all anyhow.

Also this case likely wasn't -just- Obama. It was the EU + a bunch of Republican senators went to the Ukraine in 2014 to show support for those rebels who staged the coup

Kill yourself kike

It factually has nothing to do with Jews. It's just stupid to even bring jews into it.

Barack fucking Obama, Lindsey Graham, the people leading most (or all?) or the EU countries in 2014 weren't jewish. They weren't elected by jews. They were elected by largely white christians, so fuck off and when something goes wrong in your shitty capitalist government take accountability for it

You must be new here

>Also I condemn your antisemitism via the "ZOG" and "sheckels" remarks. That's just dumb. This whole issue has nothing to do with jews.
Whatever, JIDF, Nuland and Hillary and Obama and the Mossad schemers sure made a bloody mess of the last decade with your evil plots and the blood is on your hands from this fiasco and from the Syrian civil war, I hope karma finally zaps you for this like you deserve.

Wow thanks for this amazing comment that's so insightful and added so much to the conversation

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Yea this isn't anything to do with jewish conspiracy. This is US imperialism, it has nothing to do with jews. It's just capitalist. America is the global seat of right-wing capitalism. It invades or overthrows every country all across the globe that decides to adopt left-wing politics. It also invades the middle east to further it's economic interests in terms of oil. + all of this makes money for the military industrial complex. Pretty rudimentary stuff literally everyone except the boomer right-wing morons on this board know by now. You're the only fucking retards who think "it's a jewish conspiracy".

Jew hands typed this.

Shut the fuck up and lurk moar communist.


got it, Captain, you posted the officially approved denial and now you deserve a cup of coffee, be sure to tell the peeps on shift they're doing a great job too!

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You people spend all day saying things that factually have absolutely nothing to do with jews are because of jews. You people are the masters of your own society. You're the majority both demographically and culturally and always have been. The things your country has done are your own fault. Yours. Not "jews". Not 2% of the population. Whites and christians were 90% of the population not that long ago. Now they're still the vast majority of the population and you're still supporting all of the same retarded right-wing policies. Fuck off there's no invisible jewish conspiracy, it's just you. You all irrationally and knowingly-falsely blame jews as scapegoats to blame your own failures and evils on.

It's not jews it's just you. It's what you people believe. It's what you people vote for.

This, but unironically.

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It's called a color revolution it is gay Cia shit.
This also had his glories overthrow Egypt and installed the Muslim brotherhood and the nigger was about to send them some f16s. Lol not even joking


glow harder

just pol things

Ultimately WW3 was caused by a nigger.

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It is truly astounding that you fucking ignorant arrogant kike parasites actually pay yourselves to sit around in "think tanks" for hours on end to come up with shit like this, only to get utterly BTFO the moment you fling it like monkey shit onto this board.
You must be so fucking frustrated.
I can smell you desperation and fear.
This shit is so fucking hilarious.

You lucky we aren't the psychopathic murderous raping parasites that you are.
Because we know who you are, and we know where you and you children sleep.

Keep fucking around, motherfuckers.
There are consequences for the vile demonic matrix you've imposed on this world.
Our patience has its limits.

We will see you real soon.
Sleep well!

this goy gets it, him and a bunch of other narcistic, corrupt, amoral assholes in power and scheming about 10-15 years ago, including this deplorable bitch

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