Woman are just NPC

How can we change that?

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Unfathomably based

You cant, you have to rule them like the stupid animal that they are

And the white man marches on. Their anti white propaganda blows up in their face by forcing white women to stick with white men

“It’s not you, it’s me”
breakup excuses are getting really creative

she is based but for the wrong reasons

She will now only fuck dogs.
>Can't bring evil white babies into the world after all.

Darwin will rid the white race of it's traitor half.

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Mexicans are half white due to being a "race" of mongrels anyway. Why are people so retarded?

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So, she was fucking a negroe before?

Attached: 1635774950246.webm (1920x1080, 534.29K)

>implying Mexicans haven't been a mutt race for like 5 centuries

you can't
white weman are just degenerated

So she was the one inseminating him in the relationship?

I can't taint his genes do I'll have more evil white babies. These people have no have no voice. Parrots. Sims characters have more depth.

Lol, such cope. You know she broke up with him for white Chad.


She took the dogpill

They are literally tapping into the borg. The goal is inhuman mental slavery.

>Their anti white propaganda blows up in their face by forcing white women to stick with white men
At the moment these retarded women are supporting Ukranian nazi's against Chechen shitskins and imported Syrians. What fucking timeline is this?

i see youve circumvented my 'women' filter by using poor grammer. to everyone in this thread, notice how the 3 first post are memeflags? also notice how everytime theres a ''women hate thread'' its ALWAYS white women being depicted? youre in a jew divide and conquer psyop thread, this is what it looks like.

women are basically trapped as children forever. google "kawaii aesthetic" and when your girlfriend does something you like, buy her something that shows up in one of the infinite tiktoks about it. its like training a dog

God abandoned us in 2019 when notre dame burned down and jews paid to build it up again. The world is entering the belly of the beast. Doesn't mean stuff is going to be immediately evil, just chaotic.