Inflation is so fucking high now 500k is not enough

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>car payments
>3 vacations a year
>5 digit tranny lessons for children
You’re all disgusting consoomers

The vacations, charity, and the 1.5 million dollat home can be gotten rid of. These people.adjusted their lifestyle to meet their means exactly and are now acting like they are living paycheck to paycheck? Lol. Nothing is preventing them from selling the house and moving into something that isnt a mcmansion.

Do they realize how out of touch they are?

>32k on 401k
Why even? With inflation the retirement fund is gone.
>40% Tax rate
Just employ yourself as a company, pay less than that.
>childcare 42k
What type of childcare is that?
>food for four 23k
what are they eating? some bio bullshit I bet.
>mortgage 60k
Would've been cheaper to just buy land and build your house than pay 60k/year for 20+ years.
>home maintenance 5k
What costs annually 5k?
>property taxes 1.5m home -20k
Just lobby the real estate agent to value it to 500k
>lie insurance, car insurance, car payment, three vacations, clothes (brands ofc) and donations to (((Charity)))

I hate Americans with passion just because this shit.

5 grand on gas? What are they driving, a tank?

i spend 150 a week on gas and make 18$ an hour
and drive a toyota


die screaming

You forget about drugs, affairs, stupid shit rich people do.
Get real

>three vacations a year
Oh look it's that faggot coworker

>no fancy clothes

i get really happy if i acquire one new shirt

No they don't, that's why most rich people are isolated and mentally ill.
Look at DuPont, and many other rich people that are in jail for murder.

Double everything except salary in Bidens America

this is still Reagan's America.

The key is to buy the same clothes and return your old blown out clothing for a full refund

> $10k/yr in clothes

I make $120k and I spend maybe $200 max on clothes per year. I only shop at walmart and Good Will, though.

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I’m so poor

Buy simple cotton t-shirts, can't be much more than 5$ in the US.

I refuse to drive more than 15 minutes to a job. I fill my 16 gallon tank every 7-10 days.

I'm amazed
that you didn't call out the charity donations on your list.
>look at me, mosche, I'm the jew, now.

Stopped reading like 1/8th of the way down because of how stupid this faggot is with his money.

>18,000 a year in charity
The audacity of these niggers

>lives in 1.5 million dollar home
>eats better than 90% of people
>pays someone else to raise kids
>3 vacations per year
>spends 1k per month on clothes
>gives away money
>makes 3 million more dollars if killed
>feels “average”

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i do contracting so i have to drive every day
my life is fucked

Nobody can take that post seriously. It's full of overspending, from the basic long term stuff to the dailies. $23k food for 4 people? wtf, are they calling everyday to a restaurant?

Ah yes, NBC the network for the liberal elite

>mortgage & property tax
>car payments
>three vacations a year
lol what a joke

Incredibly based and very high info

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>Children's lessons: Violin

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yes. have you met a woman in current year? they can't prepare their own food.

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401k will get wiped out in this stock market crash

KEK. Imagine this being a real couple that really makes this much equally between the man and the woman. The woman would be making much more at her bullshit HR job.

>40% effective tax rate
Found the problem right here. Imagine paying taxes lmao

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Based, you may clean the ovens and go in last.

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>car payments
if you make 500k/yr and you can't buy a car outright you should ride the bus

>three vacations a year
I barely get enough time off for 1

What would you do for a retirement fund? The 401k acts as a tax credit so why wouldnt you

401k is a tax deduction
the county assesses property tax, not the estate agent. the market value of of my house far exceeds what the property tax basis is.

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what you faggot you even know what a 401k is? they are just a group of stocks. they will crash along with everything else ya nigger.

I haven’t been on a vacation in 6 years lol

Can you not do math?

23,000 / 365 = 63 dollars per day / 4 people = 15 dollars a day per person for / 3 meals a day.

Or 5 dollars per person, per meal, per day. That is not excess. Right now ribeye steak is 10-15 dollars a pound.

So are you

Where the fuck do you live where a contractor makes 18/h? Here its anywhere from 30 to 50

>These people.adjusted their lifestyle to meet their means exactly
This. It's why majority of people are poor in my opinion. It doesn't matter how much you earn if your net profit is close to 0, unless all of that income is passive and you have a 'fuck you' worth of assets.

I’m starting to get nervous and I make $70k and live alone.
It’s already just enough to live comfortably without saving a lot but if living expenses double I’ll be sweating and if they triple I might actually need to ask my parents for help

meh thats not so bad. id remove the meme lessons, get cheaper cars, invest more than just maxing their 401ks nd stop the charity (unless its for tax purposes, but then the tax rate is slightly wrong)
they probably have a ton of equity and decent 401k investments and could cut easily if they needed

eh. car notes have a pretty low rate these days. low enough that its probably worth taking the loan to free up other income for investments. ask the moshe in this thread

Shieeet, meant for

Those costs for kids and vacation isn't even high, middle class at best

i just got a new job last year going from $80k to $140k and it's basically the same now

Abandon the delusion that you will ever retire

something tells me these are government employees or work at gov backed corp in HR or middle management

This is an unwritten rule.
If ever there is a charity or donation section on a persons yearly budget.
They make more money than the average person ever will and have no idea what we live like.

That's a bunch of shit. Someone could sock away a cool 150k making that much. You'd have to be a real coooonsoomer to spend all that per year

There must be a way to reduce it. What's the life expectancy and what age are you going to retire? What's the purpose to pay life insurance + 401k? Wouldn't it be smarter to have a life insurance and piss on the 401k if you're making that much money? What are the pre-requisites to make your own (((investment fund))) only for your 401k?
>the county
Sorry, make a class action lobbying with your neighbors, to the county officials to reduce the value of the property annually so you could pay lesser taxes. There must be some benefits to all this taxation for you guys I guess, like better schools but at that type of money, you could hire private tutors and call it 'homeschooling'.

I suppose so, I just guess I like to own what I have
means I wont get so far in the jewconomy, but I'll stick to my principles nonetheless

I recall the Canadian gov paying 14$ per muffin at some held luncheon.