Why do conservatives become so deranged when the left mentions #DefundThePolice...

Why do conservatives become so deranged when the left mentions #DefundThePolice? What percentage of your earnings should go to the police?

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Police aren't needed. Look at what black lives do to other blacks.

Attached: BLM-drinking-games.webm (288x544, 1.12M)

I agree with defunding police if I am also allowed to kill niggers and criminals

Get rid of all that shit.
They never should of had it.
Give it to Mexico.


Attached: DefundDaPoliceIrony.jpg (1024x967, 116.73K)

I don't support defunding the police, but I do support the following reforms. One, demilitarize the police, no armored vehicles, no assault rifles, just cars, sidearms and a shotgun. Two, allow them to use those weapons without fear of lawsuit. Three, *all* officers need to live in the area of their jurisdiction, local policing. No foreign or political entitirs of any kind should he involved with law enforcement, no ADL, no Israel training, no sending surplus to Ukraine. Make cops local again.

if my money goes to killing blacks then they can have it all

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>vice news
Might as well post Russia today as a source tranny

>take a shot

Abolish the police and I will immediately begin gunning my enemies down in the street.


say his name!
oh wait jk nobody even knows what it was

If they defund the police will I be taxed less? Or will those funds just go to niggers?

they get deranged because they are all a bunch of boomers. The police should and the judiciary should be defunded because they are in full anarcho tyranny mode and completely controlled by the left.

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Damn that nigga heavy dumpin fr
i just be stuck here with that lil ya meener

Why does nobody ever say how Obama armed the police with tanks and everything else? He was "militarizing the police" remember? Guys..? Remember?

The police wouldn't need so much funding if democratic states and cities weren't riddled with absurd crime rates.

They are not sending extra gear, they are sending old shit so they can put in a request for new stuff next year.

people don't know black lives matter formed under obama
people can't keep up with all the bullshit when every week it's a new "this is the most important thing that has ever happened in the history of earth and the thing from last week didn't actually happen"

I support defunding the police of military gear and promoting better strategies for policing but I don’t support defunding the policing institutions as a whole.

A lot of leftists think ACAB and hold up a BLACK TRANS LIVES MATTER sign, but the #1 killer of black trans women in America is black men. BLM and Black Trans Rights matter is contradictory.

We should stop paying the police. The state should not have enforcers that we pay to abuse us. The police literally protect and serve an organized crime syndicate.

It’s called agenda setting. What did you think when social media started shadow banning dissenters and promoting one ideology endlessly?

They feed that to Reuters and Associated press and then it subsequently trickles into the 5 conglomerates that own all media. We are rendered completely unable to understand reality beyond simplistic narratives as a result. Everyone agrees thing is good or bad.

Policing actually saves money in terms of infrastructure.

hire security guards.

Unironically thanks Obama.

Also why couldn't Biden have shipped all of the surplus Iraq/Afghanistan vehicles and weapons to Ukraine? It's a lot closer than shipping it home. They might have even paid for some of the costs.

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I can police myself thank you. It worked for the wild west, and it can work today.

BLM and the idea that Black Lives Matter are contradictory.
Black lives can't matter until they matter to black people and they stop fragging each other, dealing drugs and generally hurting their own communities.

i like happy endings!

No one loves throwing money away on pigs more than the left.

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>taliban unironically do helicopter rides
If Any Forums had their way to the letter this would be how it would look like. Looks pretty based, the screeching from certain populations would stop pretty quickly out of fear of being persecuted, or they're stuck in the cities starving because the cities are being sieged.

Ask yourselves. Ever heard of a traffic violation or a DUI in the ghetto? Think about that for a moment.

Fascies are insecure faggots deep down. Without a local paramilitary death squad patrolling their areas at all time they legitimately believe someone is going to break in their 2 bedroom apartment and rape their kids every day.


Because we get beat on enough now you want us to be murdered and nobody will give a damn

We need more police, more prisons and 3 strikes laws

Attached: Niggers.webm (500x500, 1.87M)


If anything, they should be paying us to hang them, their zog bot families, and anyone ever associated with zoggery and their families as well. Fuck zog

full auto clock
fun switches will be banned now if they arent already
these niggers ruin everything

it's not 1940 anymore dude
most of them will be murdered under your plan

that's completely ridiculous. The whole thing is meant to be a kafka trap to trap retarded conservatives. But you can throw the same thing out with all lives matter which they really hate.

Good list.
So deploy them in full squads. Yeah, that would be expensive. so what.