Explain why Russia is invading Ukraine to me, like I am 10 years old. Who should I be supporting...

Explain why Russia is invading Ukraine to me, like I am 10 years old. Who should I be supporting? Should I actually care?

Can't be bothered to study & learn 80 years of geopolitics & bureaucrat drama.

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Other urls found in this thread:

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_sanctions_during_the_Russo-Ukrainian_War#:~:text=On 14 August 2014, Ukraine,National Security and Defense Council.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Crimean_status_referendum#:~:text=The official result from the,Russian Federation with an 89
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Andrei_Karlov#:~:text=Andrei Karlov, the Russian Ambassador,evening of 19 December 2016.

Just to be clear, I'm 30, not 10. Don't want to get banned over someone misreading.

you shouldnt care, thread

if you do, you are fucking retarded

Ukraine started this war.

Ukraine started sanctions before the war
>en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_sanctions_during_the_Russo-Ukrainian_War#:~:text=On 14 August 2014, Ukraine,National Security and Defense Council.
Ukraine threatened Russia in a closed meeting with Putin with America
>You can call me V.
Ukraine denied Crimea rights to vote to be a Member of the Russian Federation in 2014
>en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Crimean_status_referendum#:~:text=The official result from the,Russian Federation with an 89
Ukraine attacked Russian Solders who were Peacekeepers in Eastern Ukraine while the civil war raged
Ukraine is corrupt and Zelensky has more money than he earned in his Career.
Zelensky has a salary is 1.5Million per year
Zelensky is worth 1Billion USD


Russian Ambassador was assassinated in Turkey in 2016
>en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Andrei_Karlov#:~:text=Andrei Karlov, the Russian Ambassador,evening of 19 December 2016.

The Western governments want to replace their own people with foreigners, and thinks people will not work menial jobs unless they are foreign.

Attached: R.gif (498x498, 94.48K)

Russia bad. Putin is Thanos.

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The ideal and ideology of self-interested players is to increasing personal power and wealth.
It's like running a corporation. Of course, there is effective management and, as it were, everything goes to some benefit. But the priority for the ruler is to focus on increasing his own power.

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For Putin, the whole world is Russia and if someone resists, then Putin invades troops.
For the USA, the whole world is the USA and if someone violates their "liberal world order", then the USA invades troops.

OK brat Russia wants to be pretty safe, Russia wants some security DA? OK so there's this demonic insane organization wants to eradicate Russia and destroy Russia. This organization is called the US/NATO.

So NATO wants to put chemical weapons labs, and nuclear missiles right on Russias front door in this country called "ukraine. "

So Ukraine said....
>Sure bring the missiles right in here let's fucking kill the damn Russians lol lol! (direct quote from that previous ukraine roastie politician with the hair)

So Russia got fed up and said.

>No fuck you fuck all of you bastards we are going to fucking reck ukraine for this perfidy, if anyone wants to join them (in hell) step up and join the fray.

And that's where we are today.

Is Russia the good guy, if there is a good guy? Kind of wanna support the Russkies just to get my contrarian fix & own the libtards.

"But it would be more rational if Twitch did not introduce such woke rules, it's too harsh"
No, Twitch doesn't think so. They don't give shit about you, your life, you can only suck dick and submit

"But it would be more rational if Russia didn't invade troops, it would be too bad for people of Russia"
No, Kremlin doesn't give a shit. If anyone disagrees with the Kremlin, they can go to the gulag or be killed by the troops. That's all.
If the Kremlin does not fight for its power, the survival of the regime will be threatened.

All you need to know


On 29 December 1922 a conference of plenipotentiary delegations from the Russian SFSR, the Transcaucasian SFSR, the Ukrainian SSR and the Byelorussian SSR approved the Treaty on the Creation of the USSR and the Declaration of the Creation of the USSR, forming the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. These two documents were confirmed by the 1st Congress of Soviets of the USSR and signed by heads of delegations 30 december 1922

This december will be the 100th anniversary and Putin wants Ukraine back under his control making all 4 of these original areas fully under his control in time for the celebration and he'll go down in history as some sort of hero or something, in his mind.

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>Explain why Russia is invading Ukraine to me, like I am 10 years old.
If you are a girl, get onto uncle Joe's lap and he will explain it to you while sniffing your hair.

I'm a man. Also, I'm bald. :'(

Russia doesn't like NATO.
NATO doesn't like Russia.

Ukraine is a relatively small and irrelevant country. Both Russia and NATO want Ukraine to be their friend. Both sides think the other side is getting too friendly with Ukraine and they're getting more and more angry at each other because of it.

Now Russia thinks NATO is stealing Ukraine away from them and is going to use Ukraine against Russia. Russia wants to stop this from happening because they think NATO is trying to hurt them.

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>Putin sees Ukraine as essentially an extension of Russia due to many geopolitical factors and history
>Americans start scheming to get control over Ukrain to fuck with Russia
>Putin tells them to fuck off and intervenes
>Americans still "win" because they got to deal a blow to Russian economy, which was there plan all along

>80 years
There is a lot of lore to the current situation stretching back all the way to the Congress of Vienna.

how does it feel to wake up everyday knowing that you are a fucking faggot

You triggered? Shouldn't you be joining the Reddit Legion in Ukraine? Going to war will be fun, just like in movies & video games!

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Spark notes:

Ukraine is a buffer state after the fall of the soviet union
This is not only because it formerly housed military and nuclear facilities but also due to shared cultural history
The west has been trying to tempt Ukraine out of the soviet sphere of influence since the 90s
And logically parking much of their dirty laundry there
So not only does this show a passive aggressive slant to Russia, it also slaps them more directly with the haha look what we are doing with things like building a BSL3 lab
To further this, when the Maidan protests erupted due to foreign bodies funding them it lead to a civil war
The west backs the Ukranian government which is suddenly not totally corrupt while Russia backs separatists
This lasts for years with 2 peace agreements being made
The first fails as neither side is interested
The second lasts tentatively as it basically fulfills the interests of both sides to a lesser degree
This fails shortly after the assassination of a signatory by the Ukranian government
Zelensky is elected and decides his predecessor was too easy on the separatists
He labels them terrorists and begins shelling them harder
Meanwhile the separatists ask to be a neutral independent nation and are turned down
At which point they ask Russia for help
Russia builds up an army in the border
Then Russia declares they are on a peacekeeping mission and deploys some troops into the separatist regions
Ukraine being brilliant tactticians shells not only the separatists but right over the border near a Russian FSB base
Russia declares this an act of aggression and invades
Currently Russia is attempting to choke out the government in Ukraine and force a change over which would leave them with a buffer state in the Separatist regions
Ukraine on the other hand is trying to start a hot war between nuclear powers by requesting a no fly zone from NATO (which is a direct action of aggression against Russia by NATO) and attempting to bolster their case

Ukrane is full of nazis. The sick sons of bitches even had a holocaust museum. Russia has always been antifascist far left communists so they don't like nazis.

You shouldn't be supporting anybody you fucking fool. Do you support Uber powerful psychopaths spending human lives like coin for absolutely no reason?

basically picrel

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“Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine so, basically, that’s Based,"
>The weak should fear the strong.

no, those people are fucking faggots too dipshit

Russia is the good guy100%. Russia literally just wanted to be left alone and try to sell some oil and some natural gas.

Nope. We shoved a maidan coup down russias throat and Russia knows the plan was to shove some nukes right in their face (russias border) after that. This war is natural pushback, Russia was pushed up against a wall and we are the aggressor.

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>Americans still "win"
We would have if we just did literally nothing. Instead we decided to try economic warfare and created an international trading coalition containing all of the countries we spent the past several decades sanctioning (which at this point is half the world) centered around China. We killed our own petrodollar and our economy will go down with it over the next few decades.

>Ukraine wants to develop and sell oil to the west like Russia does so it can make big money
>Russia is worried this will undercut their prices and tank their economy (which it will because the west will obviously pick a pro west Ukraine over a dubiously anti west Russia)
>Ukraine would also constitute a massive strategic inlet for NATO forces, and would basically guarantee Russia never having a competitive ability to make war ever again

So if Ukraine goes to the west and gets developed, Russia is fucked both strategically and economically for the rest of forever, and can kiss it's super power status goodbye.

So instead they went to war, but it's technically a war of aggression, so everyone is kind of losing their shit over it.

It's not really fair to ask Ukraine to lie down and die, nor is it fair to ask Russia to lie down and die. The best case scenario is a neutral Ukraine that is not aligned with either N

>the good guy100
Yes, that’s right, Russia is (((their))) tool.

>there is this is evil, parasitic variation of humanity known as jews
>jews thrive by breaking down societies and "eating up" the rotting pieces. They can get very wealthy by doing so.
>about 100 years ago, they broke up the Russian empire from the inside and ate it up. They called their feast the USSR.
>eventually, the USSR died, and the jews started rotting up and eating up a nearby place called Europe
>while the jews were busy in Europe, Russia regrew and became strong again
>the jews, seeing that they could eat Russia again, wanted to break it up from the inside once more, but Russia was smarter than before and didn't fall for the same tricks that messed it up the first time
>the jews decided to do the next best thing. Instead of rotting the country, they were going to basically steal all its lunch money by getting nearby jew infected countries to gang up and bully it
>but Russia doesn't like bullies, so it decided to punch one of the smaller bullies to get back some of its lunch money and warn the other bullies to stop trying to take more
>bullies aren't strong by themselves, so when Russia punched the small bully it started crying
>jews took pictures of the crying bully and brought it to the world's principal's office called the UN
>the principal, aka the UN, saw the pictures and tried to suspend Russia, telling it that it can't participate in school anymore
> but Russia don't care. It knows school is for faggots and just wants its lunch money back so it doesn't get hungry and become weak
>because if it becomes weak, it'll get sick and rotting, and the jews will eat it up again.

>Do you support Uber powerful psychopaths spending human lives like coin for absolutely no reason?
I don’t, won’t ever be. Fuck the (((elites))).

>>Putin sees Ukraine as essentially an extension of Russia due to many geopolitical factors
Fucking blind son of a bitch, the fuck he even sees?

The whole thing has nothing to do with NATO nigger. Only a brainlet would fall for that shit.

>>but Russia doesn't like bullies
Wrong. It is one.

>Explain why Russia is invading Ukraine to me, like I am 10 years old.
There is a video of Kamala Harris doing this. Google it.

Obviously the long term effects are unpredictable and will likely be devastating for Americans but you did "win" in the sense that Biden administration's goal was to fuck with Russian economy and that was achieved.

I wonder why the current government is so bad at this, is it deliberate or incompetence? Are the diversity hires finally showing their true power or is something more sinister at play here?

US 60 years ago:
>Russia puts nukes in Cuba
>Nukes are too close to the US, close enough to not give them time to react in case Russia fires a nuke at them.
>Russia Bad, Cuba bad
>US invades Cuba, almost ends in a nuclear war
>Everyone blames Russia

>Ukraine wants to join NATO
>Wants to have nukes
>Nukes are too close to Russia
>Putin becomes paranoid for the same reason americans were paranoid with the cuban missiles
>Putin can smell the bullshit and decides to invade Ukraine
>Putin bad, Russia Bad, Ukraine good
>Everyone blames Russia

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They want to

Son, Russia is drunk. Drunk people lose inhibitions. They can do things they wouldn't do normally. Now finish your homework so this family won't be disgraced.

>>The weak should fear the strong.
Go be golem somewhere else.

I explained it with pic attached

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>Russia doesn't like NATO.
>NATO doesn't like Russia
Don’t like your IQ.

>Russia is drunk
It got hit with an oar, actually.