Will he be the republican candidate in the next election?

Will he be the republican candidate in the next election?

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If the GOP nominates him again after he was given four years to build a wall and couldn't even do that, they deserve to die off and be laughed at throughout the remainder of time.

Yeah we should vote for the same puppet career politicians who accomplish nothing other than the continued death of the white race and giving everything we have to Israel.

Trump is the best choice regardless of shit like the wall. He's not their puppet and that makes them mad, it upsets their plans which is good.

Yes. He is the clear favorite.

Probably yeah. If between now and then there isn't a better choice he'll get it easily and lose again.

Trump was the biggest zionist president this country has ever had. It was considered unthinkable for a US president to move the embassy to Jerusalem or recognize East Jerusalem as Israeli land before he came along and did it.

If that's the best choice we have, then I'd rather just move out of the country, grab my popcorn and watch America's collapse happen from afar.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-03-15 at 21-14-49 Trump Just Recognized Jerusalem as Capital of Israel. Here’s What It Means.png (779x714, 885.44K)

Yeah I'll vote for him again.

Theres not going to be another election lol
We’re going full commy soon

Yep Trump was a zionist jew, the same bit over and over again. Just ignore how all the people who hate him are powerful wealthy jews, he has some jewish connections and did things to make him look good in the eyes of the average jew so obvously he is a jew. Not like Biden, he is a crypto-nazi who will save us from Israel. I can't wait to vote for him again.


No. He will pretend to run right up until the last day to sign up

who cares what jewish puppet runs against the other jewish puppet?

That up to the jews that script your kayfabe elections. It really doesn't matter who the jews hire to play the role of cuck-in-chief the results are always the same and nothing ever gets better anyway.

>Will he be the republican candidate in the next election?
i hope so
i want to see the tantrum he'll throw when he loses again

>”muh Jews” in literally every post
I didn’t know this board was this dominated by Nazis. I remember when you could make a thread and have legitimate political discussion.

Kike A or kike B
Doesn’t make a difference
Only voting local and for people I know personally

tune in next week to find out

he's gonna sarah palin it and pretend to be "thinking about it" until jan. 2023 at which point he will endorse desantis or something

Not if the weapon contractors have anything to do with it.

>He's not their puppet
he was the most openly, virulently zionist president in history. he moved the embassy to jerusalem. he threw a giant fit with netanyahu congratulated biden on his win. his literal grandchildren are jews

you can like trump all you want but he's cucked to israel and anything short of recognizing that is cope

>he has some jewish connections
family. he has jewish *family*

ccp's isreal narrative is stale as fuck
your memetics suck

Trump is King

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Listen, I like that he made the libtards SEETHE and told the MSM to STFU on regular basis, but he did absolutely nothing in 4 years. How is that even possible? He couldn't build the fucking wall which was the linchpin of his candidacy!

No, both republitards and demorats are retarded, we need technological neofeudalism and a break up of every government into smaller entities that can take care of themselves.

Trumpers are even more retarded then leftitsts at this point.