Has anyone played this?

What are the politics like in Mass effect? Has "humanity" become a fully globohomo conglomerate?

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I've never played it and I'm wondering if it's even worth it. I've heard it's pretty pozzed but just how pozzed is it? It can't be as bad as the shit they pump out now just by virtue of it coming put over a decade ago.

It’s been that way since the concert of Europe. Your great grandparents were hyper sexual sodomites just like everyone is today

Please don't be so crass moshe

>I've heard it's pretty pozzed but just how pozzed is it?

It's no more or less pozzed than Star Trek: The Next Generation was. Just your basic space utopia stuff, then everything goes to shit when the bad guy comes. It's not like SJWLGBTBIPOC pozzed if that's what you're worried about.

havent played this in a decade so i dont remember. i do remember you get to punch some woman reporter right in the face and genocide krogans

It's based, see pic related. You can knock the fake news cunts lights out.

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Yeah I was hoping it wouldn't have to much of that in it. So its just liberalism in space then?

Mass Effect is based and also fun, more than can be said for most vidya today.

The later 4th game, Mass Effect Andromeda, is when it gets pozzed and you can tell because the writers start putting in all their LGBT sexual fetishes in the game.

The first three are still pretty good though

>Has "humanity" become a fully globohomo conglomerate?

Not only humanity. The result of the game the whole galaxy becomes globohomo, If you don't burn the whole galaxy.

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The plot is somewhat incosistent, despite being an advanced society they don't have any defenses against jewish tricks.
The blue bitches and other species used those all the time, then the Reapers did the same.

Is there like a space UN with all the different alien races?

Is that Andromeda? If so, it's bad, like really fucking bad, worse than the series your wife watches on Netflix bad

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Alright I might give it a shot then cheers mate.

Yeah, and humans are the newest members. The other aliens have mixed feelings about humans, some think humans are okay, some think they are a threat.

As far as politics is concerned, your part in the story is exploring whether the aliens were right to call humans a threat to alien NATO

Yes, your task is to include humanity in it, apart from the main plot.
If you're not that intolerant of game plots, then you can go through the whole trilogy.
But I recommend the first game. ME2 and ME3 were not my favorite in this regard.

Nah its the remaster of the trilogy. I really enjoyed baldurs gate and all the old Bioware games but I stopped after dragon age origins. Never gave it a shot, all the normies love Mass effect which is usually an indicator that I won't enjoy it.

Can I not join space nato and go full human genocide of xenos scum warhammer style? The "evil" storyline in old bioware games were lots of fun

You can be a real fucking jackass in the game. You can in fact cause the genocide of a couple or more alien species if you choose

Oh ok the trilogy is really good

You can genocide at least one race, and perform eugenics/sterilization on another just off the top of my head

You can easily be xenophobic and dislike races in conversations. At the end of the first game, you will have the opportunity to do something with the space nato, but I will not spoil, just give a hint. ;)

every part has its issues.

Cerberus all the way man.

Awesome game. Minimally pozzed. Just play it and have fun for a change.
Don't give them your money if you can avoid it. Not the same company it used to be.

if I remember rightly they are ruled by a parliament on a space station off world, portrayed as kind of militaristic upstarts in the galaxy compared to the more "enlightened" older races

>Minimally Pozzed
>When the entirety of 3 exists
Come on man.

i remember them touting how proud they were of their diverse dev team. and their first trailer half the characters were holding their guns backwards and it was more bugridden on launch than every bethesda game ever made.

ME1-3 is pretty damn good tho. they made it more poz-friendly in the remaster by taking out all the close ups of Mirandas juicy tush

Mass effect is dead to me after Andromeda.

The Volus are clearly an allegory for Jews, dragging down the based Turians
Too bad you can't kill them, but at least you can kill a lot of batarian space niggers
also being able to keep the genophage on the Krogans is based, and if you cured it you are a cuck

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they got rid of the butt shots from the original

You get to choose whether it’s pozzed or based. Even if you’re a goody two shoes, they can’t help but prove the point they’re arguing against, that might makes right and most sentients need to be controlled by Chad Thundercock. There’s even sex scenes in 2 and lots of T&A, but the legendary edition works hard to crop out a good bit of it so you may want to play original versions.

what pisses me off is that in the first game, the "renegade" option is all about putting humanity first and being racist to aliens, and you can even kill the council and set up a 'human takeover' of it at the end, but then that entire plot point is dropped in the second game and renegade just turns into being an asshole