Looking for a VPN that'll let me shitpost with a russian flag. I've tried Nord...

Looking for a VPN that'll let me shitpost with a russian flag. I've tried Nord, but it won't let me set my location to russia. does anyone know of a VPN service that has active servers in russia?

Attached: 1643239541678.jpg (809x1024, 77.94K)

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Remember Concentration Camps?

The original definition before Jew Tricks?

Prisoner of War.

America had Concentration Camps in the U.S. for Germans and Japs. They don't like to mention that.

And you wanna impersonate an enemy side during a War?


>he doesn't know how to manually change his flag

You have to pay for it

russian larper, idi nahui

>t. Memeflaggot kike that’s too cheap to pay for it.

Увaжaeмыe poccиянe, вaши CMИ пoдвepгaютcя цeнзype. Кpeмль лжeт. Узнaйтe пpaвдy oб Укpaинe в cвoбoднoм Интepнeтe и в пpилoжeнии Telegram. Bpeмя cвepгнyть диктaтopa Пyтинa!

for those that say that VPNs don't work here, I have a Any Forums pass, so i cna indeed shitpost from VPN. check my pass...
yes, yes i do.

look next to my flag

They won't be called concentration camps this time. They'll be called Recreational Holding Areas for the loyally challenged.

Arbeit Macht Frei
The work sets you free.

Attached: instagators_of_war.jpg (3264x3264, 1.49M)

Gonna finish my coffee and then overthrow Putin.

Attached: 309.png (600x400, 123.51K)

I would suggest Kaspersky they have a Russian server you can connect to. subscription is 30 usd.

If the world wars come in twos. the fourth will be finally reducing the people causing all these wars back to what they were before the maccabean insurgency in Palestine.

I'll check them out.

Kremlin needs a truck of peace with the NATO flag on the side.

Attached: islamic_truck_of_peace.jpg (648x426, 36.62K)

>look next to my flag
You can turn it on and off?

Who the fuck pays to use this shithole of a site?

>i MOO
Are you a cow?

Meant look where it says anonymous
if you have a pass, type since4pass in the options.


Attached: download (22).jpg (2000x1338, 391.7K)

> Retarded indians living on canadian wealthfare

Why would you want to show off you’ve paid for a free site?