Who was right?

Who was right?

Attached: reagan2.png (777x695, 405.04K)

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The average American and certainly the average Any Forumsack has no clue just how much America and capitalism is the central evil of the universe and Marxism / USSR was actually the truth and light of the world that was crushed by greed and ignorance.

>The average American and certainly the average Any Forumsack has no clue just how much America and capitalism is the central evil of the universe and Marxism / USSR was actually the truth and light of the world that was crushed by greed and ignorance.
And the reason why is because brainwashing.

Reagan ruined everything and if there is a hell he will be getting special attention there

Marx was an academic who nobody in high levels of politics ever took seriously and never will no matter how much conservatives pretend like being left of far right is marxism.

Though to be perfectly fair gun control was strict in the USSR. But that is due to a certain historical context where their situation wasn't even remotely comparable to life under Ronald Reagan in the USA. The Soviets had millions upon millions of fascist counterrevolutionaries trying to overthrow their government and reinstitute tsarist feudalism.

>had millions upon millions of fascist counterrevolutionaries
Too good to be true
>reinstitute tsarist feudalism
Feudalism ended in Russia in 1861
You are gay and illiterate

Marx, but to be fair due to the overton window, he would be far right of Reagan.

Marx was right on so many levels, Reagan was a politician.

That's not true actually. Not in any real and meaningful sense. You're the illiterate one. It didn't end for everyone in 1861 and those it did end for still had 30 year debts (meaning they were still de facto serfs) and none of this anyway would change that the millions of counterrevolutionaries wanted to either bring back the old ways of feudalism and the tsar or basically institute nazism.

>That's not true actually. Not in any real and meaningful sense. You're the illiterate one. It didn't end for everyone in 1861 and those it did end for still had 30 year debts (meaning they were still de facto serfs) and none of this anyway would change that the millions of counterrevolutionaries wanted to either bring back the old ways of feudalism and the tsar or basically institute nazism.
Also I don't know why right-wingers have to perpetually try to deny basic facts of science, history and the world writ large.
PS the holocaust also happened, you revisionist lying piece of shit.

Capitalism is the central thesis of marxism. The US seeing itself as "capitalism" is a direct reflection of how much influence marxists have over your society. Even your "far right" are marxists:

>The group is known for having sought to integrate literary theory with Marxism and socialism while rejecting Soviet socialism as a workable or acceptable political model.
>Some, including Kristol, Hook, and Podhoretz, later became key figures in the development of Neoconservatism.

>Capitalism is the central thesis of marxism.
Shut the fuck up, retard.

Provide a counterargument or fuck off.
Who introduced the concept of capitalism?
Provide a source.

Attached: smith_capitalism.png (750x297, 81.16K)

Fuck off, commie!

Attached: 1599100342672.jpg (640x800, 104.96K)

The kike is always more tolerable than the traitorous, shabbos goy whom the kike urinates into the supplicating, agape gob of.

Attached: marx--niggers(1).jpg (956x400, 193.75K)

True conservatives like me support gun control.

>t-thats not true
>not all feudalism
It ended in 1861 after that there weren't any people with the status serf. Even by the time of 1861 serfdom was the only institution left by feudalism and Russia as an empire was by far different from a typical fedual state by the time before WW1 Russia was the fifth largest economy and the fastest growing economy in the world. You would know this if you did not use reddit as your primary source for information you stupid stuttering faggot.
>contra nazizs worked to bring back feudalism
There you go nice example of the purest form of commie illiteracy

>muh good vs evil

You poor naive child. Both sides are/were bad. There's no such thing as benevolent govt. All federal actions ultimately have selfish motives. So many simpletons are incapable of seeing things beyond "good guy vs bad guy". Watched too many Marvel movies.

>Provide a counterargument or fuck off.
Shut the fuck up, retard.

>perpetually try to deny basic facts of science, history and the world writ large.
>you revisionist
Basically this would of been true if you just changed right wing with Marxist but ok

Still waiting on an argument.
Who introduced the concept of capitalism?

how do you do, fellow conservative

You're factually wrong. 1866 was actually when serfdom ended and then, as explained earlier, there were 30 year debts on the land meaning they were still actually serfs. So shut the fuck up you lying revisionist nazi piece of shit and yes there were millions upon millions of counterrevolutionaries in the USSR that supported both fascism and feudalism. In case you didn't know, you uneducated nazi CHUD, the Russian civil war was not a 2-belligerent affair. There were more than just two parties involved. Fucking utter lying dishonest piece of right-wing shit trying to rewrite history for his own benefit, as always.

And again the holocaust happened and 6 million innocent jews were murdered, including many children, and it's not up for debate.

>no argument...just personal attacks


Attached: trotskys-white-negros.jpg (1452x1448, 593.82K)

The disconnect between the way you think of yourself as this weighty right-wing internet intellectual because you said "ummmmmmm excuse me sir where is ur argument" and the actual reality of you just being an illiterate, blathering, obese nazi neckbeard who everyone holds in contempt is stunning.

Hitler was you stupid fucking kike.

That's right. "No arguments" people aren't going to argue with you right-wingers when you say things that are on a certain level of stupid and willful knowing detachment from reality. They're just gonna call you stupid.

Our statements aren't "stupid" iff we state known facts that you are unable to counter

Facts don't care about your feelings snowflake

Yea "known facts" like "the central thesis of Marxism is CAPITALISM!" amirite? Please shut the fuck up. You're not "Smart". You're not "Cool". You're not "BTFOing the libz cuz you asked him to provide an argument". You're just a stupid fuck moron right-winger schizo on the internet proving his own fucking stupidity and retardation.

when did he say that?

The most powerful capitalists in Wall Street funded the bolsheviks you absolute brainlet

talk about "detachment from reality"
project much?

>As recorded in the Memoirs of Aron Simanovich, a jeweler at the court of the Tsar’s Imperial Majesty, secretary of Rasputin and quoted in numerous Russian scholarly works, including The Nature of Zionism By Vladimir Stepin, published (in Russian) in Moscow, 1993 and translated into English (for Radio Islam) by Clive Lindhurst