Angry at Black Dolls

Even white DOLLS are better looking.

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they both look pretty cute

so shes offended that it has black features? and everyone else is the racist?


Whenever I'm at Walmart I put all the black baby dolls face down and line all the white baby dolls up neat and tidy. I bet many niggers and roasties have seethed. Muahahah.

White women know they are the best looking race in the world but they also feel guilty for being white so they live in a constant state of cognitive dissonance. Virtue signaling is how they compensate.

>Okay, here's a doll that looks like you.
Why does anyone even try to placate niggers?

checked and thankyou for your service leaf

Ayy yo for real I like the lil nigga desu senpai

Wasn't there a video game that took flak recently because the "black" setting was just a pallet swapped white person?

why does daily mail hate east africans

What about it's cock? Did the mother complain about that too?

I bet if a negro child had to pick between two dolls, one that looked like a jigaboo, and one that looked like a human, it would probably pick the human doll because it would think the swamp donkey doll looked fucking ugly.

Attached: skurry doll.png (1080x1080, 1.42M)

>You made this doll look like me!
Ok, we will change it
>Why doesn't this doll look like me!


Why are niggers so fragile? That's literally what they look like. You will never be white. Just accept it niggers.

Attached: GorillaShadow.jpg (999x688, 679.43K)

based leaf

based banned album cover

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Neither of them do, babies look weird as fuck
They start looking normal after a few years, I genuinely avoided looking at my child when possible for the first few couple years of his life

It's become their MO to namecall you that for pointing out their obvious nigger behavior.


>I genuinely avoided looking at my child when possible
based bad father

A true god amonst men

Yeah, the cheapest option would be to re-use the "white" mold and just use darker plastic.
They went through a lot of effort and extra costs by making a special mold for a model they know will sell terribly.
I am convinced they tried to appeal to blacks.

Not my problem

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>Why are niggers so fragile? That's literally what they look like.
They don't want to look like that. They are furious because they know they are inferior and they can't do anything about it. They don't want to be reminded about it.

Why do niggers love to deny how hideous they are while simultaneously bitching when dolls and cartoon characters aren't hideous like them, then they bitch about for being hideous?
This nonsensical cycle seems to only exist with niggers. Send them back.

>They don't want to look like that. They are furious because they know they are inferior and they can't do anything about it. They don't want to be reminded about it.
I always laugh when I hear niggers talking about how dey wuz kangs in Egypt, as if there were never any pharaohs in Egypt.

Title should have been:
>Mother fights normalization of African faces by condemning dolls