He left his wife and kid

How is he being remembered in Canada

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Combat addicts deserve the bullet

You have to serve in a competent military to be a successful sniper. Snipers need significant support from competent leaders to properly be employed. A random retard with a long gun in a chaotic mess is an easy target.

The western vets have never been in "combat", and it shows. They killed poor farmers from miles or sometimes thousands of miles away.
Sniper are the lowest of the low. Bit sad some Russians didn't capture him.

He seemed like he went because he had some type of ptsd that made him want to go back to whatever caused it
Makes the victim feel like they’re more in control, at least that’s what rape victims plans combat vets usually say

You have to be a special sort of coward to be a sniper.

what combat lmao?

whats ironic is he probably got sniped by a spetzy, they knew exactly where this dude was at all times and just waited for him.

again, this is what happens when you dont have air superiority and support, lots of western vets aren't used to fighting a legitimate army

He got smoked for globohomo Canada, now that's a joke that he didn't live to laugh at

Yeah no one said killing women and children would be easy

*and combat vets
Fucking auto correct

Isn't that what warriors do? If you join the military because you think youre safe and can pop some shots off, you're a pussy.

That would still fuck a persons head up
I could see someone being like “gotta fight a real enemy to redeem myself”

Warriors shouldn’t have families until after they’ve live through it all then if the battle field is that important; you’d just have another battle at your home with all the messes that lifestyle would create

I don't know the term but it was the same thing that guy in Hurt Locker experienced - just wanting to get back on the field to get that adrenaline fix. Life is too mundane for them otherwise.

All in all good riddance

he didn't die, retards. there's literally no proof whatsoever that he died. this board is huffing on so much copium lately.

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What do you propose the productive thing to do with damaged people like that be?

>thinking you'l get to shoot untrained goatherders again
>go to Ukraine for social media points.
>last thing you see is a scope from the other side.

If he was a man we would have turned his skills upon his superiors. But he was a midwit zogbot and got his just dessert



jesus christ the board is pure bullshit

>he didn't die, retards. there's literally no proof whatsoever that he died.
Post proof that he's alive then. Prove everyone wrong.

>tfw you turn the tables in yourself
People here shit on third worlders, but being in a shitty country weeds out people that foolish. I bet all the Ukrainians were like “seriously, they really want to die?”

I wouldn't say they are damaged. It is tgd same with sports. Adrenaline junkies are everywhere. These ones just don't care about human lives obviously.

I don't know whether it is a PTSD coping mechanism. Sounds unlikely but what do I know lol

>super sniper, best in the world goes to Ukraine with his camera to record him taking out Russians
Were are the fucking videos then?

His wife hates him for fighting for the globohomo

That part is true. Combat is a mother fucker. Part of me does miss shooting sandniggers but I am smart enough to know that in a real war shit can go sideways very fast.

>The western vets have never been in "combat", and it shows. They killed poor farmers from miles or sometimes thousands of miles away.
Honestly, thats true but I think people on Any Forums underestimate the Afghanistan and epscially Iraq war. Its not like they were a walk in the park either. Especially in Iraq there was a shitton of bloody house to house combat and the iraqis had semi-modern equipment and they fought pretty hard.

She's husband hunting right now

Do you think Roman legionaries and medieval knights had ptsd? Or is it all just fiction

Well he ain't got no PTSD no more

Iraqis and Afghanis had almost no shoulder mounted rockets like Nlaws, Panzers .. even regular RPG's.

The new infantry Meta is 100% rocket attacks. Guns are used to distract or ambush. Rockets are used to attack objectives and enemy armor.

Depends on the unit and experience. 03 in Falijuh was real combat but anything past 2010 was COIN operations with minimal combat and occasional shelling

The dude that died in nutty putty cave
got rebounded post-Mortem after only a few months. He died an agonizing death and his wife who had kids with him didn’t wait very long to honor him
Bitches ain’t loyal

I do not know. I didn't tell PTSD doesn't exist. My initial thought was that he just wanted to get the fix rather than just to cope with trauma if he had any

b.. but in CoD snipers are le epic badasses who can fight off dozens alone!

Some did, but they also had cultures that understood the harsh realities of real life. Many older knights spent most of their retirement years constantly drunk.

Awwwww lil timmy wont be seeing his faggot dad ever again
Why are jewnadians such weak and pathetic failures?

The Knights were known to have had PTSD after the 4th crusade and caused in-fighting. They betrayed their christian brothers, now all their nations will become Islamic. They have abandoned God, Christ and the Holy Spirit and know they will bear the consequences. GOD WILL'S IT!!!!

Fuck man that hurts, his death was very sad and less deserved than the zogbot faggot. Bitches really aren't loyal and have NO honor.

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I wonder if cultures geared entirely for war and combat like barbaric tribes or Greek Spartans had created mechanism, thought processes, or rituals to cope and overcome with that

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Where's the source that he died? Really want to believe that Rujja took Wall-E to the trash but all I see on Jewgle is some 3rd worlder English tier site.


I could see that. Especially if his wife cheated on him or something, I would probably do the same.

you cant judge a woman seeking comfort. it's how she grieved. women are often effected most in spelunking deaths

>terrorize and rape civilians
>flip flop wearing farmer takes quater mile pop shots at you with a 70 year old ak
>call in $10,000,000 in ordnance to level his mud hut
>do same thing everyday for 20 years

Stop trying to glorify these baby killing welfare queens .

If they were gonna die fighting im surprised they didn’t resort to becoming bandits domestically terrorizing people or going back to Arabia and doing the same until they died

You're trained to piss and shit yourself without moving a muscle. Seems comfy bro

They thought it would be the same as Afghanistan. Carpetbomb the place, and shoot at the remaining seven wounded village goatherders that are left moving. This is another game were GOD mode is turned off and you have to play on extreme difficulty.

Good taste in weaponry.

Oh gee, when you put it that way

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I fucking love that the criminal pieces of shit who managed to escape Afghanistan with their lives are now losing their lives in Ukraine in the most humiliating way. Never has the word "deserve" been so perfectly applicable.


That's the sign of mental illness user. Jerrfey Dahmer tier. Torture small animals and play with your fecal mater

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I wonder if they’d be braver if there were 5x more of them
Imagine the Soviet Russia style Zerg rush of emboldened redditors turning into the d-day scene from saving private Ryan

Baby killers only get dumber the more you concentrate them in an area. See pentagon

>women are often effected most in spelunking deaths
Wow, she may as well be the one stuck in the cave starving and suffocating to death then.

He's not dead you Rusnigger

They did, the best examples of this are the Spartans, Aztecs, and the Zulu. All of them had cleansing rituals for warriors after campaigns

He brought a rifle to a rocket fight though.

Live by the sword die by the sword.

national dilation day should be a thing for leafs

This is how I learned I'm claustrophobic. GUH.

Cool memeflag