It's not WW3. It's the frozen war

Ukraine will turn into Afghanistan 2.0 - Putin has no intention of 'conquering' it. He has just fucking it up till it becomes a permanent battle field of proxy forces. He gets his buffer zone between NATO and Russia and a new playground for showing off and testing tactics and new toys. This will also make the west look really really bad after a few months of civilians dying. Then there's the flood of refugees that will become a big problem fur the EU, destabilizing ot further. And NATO can do ahit about it because it doesn't trigger article 5 and attacking Russian forces would be an attack war. Putin has already won. This will go on forever and the west will suffer more than Russia. Screencap this.

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Why the long face?

please be wrong I can't take a world that's permanent covid rules and permanent cold war simultaneously
the depopulation of the west will probably happen by suicides

Yep you get it.

>This will go on forever
but I'm already sick of it

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>when your mom made you tendies and you sit up too fast

It's the jews that wanted eastern europe and russia to be the new afghanistan. Business as normal + killing off white people what could be better? Too bad it's killing off the dollar.

>muh collapse
cope, clownworld is too big to fail

>too big to fail
you mean that phrase they use to refer to the big companies that only survived because of government intervention? who is going to bail out globohomo lmao.

Right now we have 1.5 mln refugees. Most are women and real children. Not your arab 30yo economic migrants, but real women and children.
They will fix low birthrates and actually work. But i ln the eastern europe because you fucks are still too stupid to get good migrants that would help hour demographics instead of niggers.

I named it 5 years ago - the Cold War 2.0 on crack.

Frozen War sounds gay.

It also seems to have the intended consequences of attacking the middle class Americans wallets.

>white people
Civilized world ends on the river Bug

>who is going to bail out globohomo lmao.
the lowly commoners

300 IQ move, who doesn't want a hostile insurgency on their border?

If the government is behind too big to fail, the government can't be too big to fail, you get me?

No, it'll be Afghanistan 2.0 as in it will end Putin's Russia like 1.0 ended the Soviet Union. There will probably be some nasty people on both sides created on both sides of this. The reason Afghanistan is shit though isn't the war, outside of the cities its the dark ages where illeterate tribal dirt farmers are born and die in the same valley. It was even this way before the Soviet invasion. The Ukranians are more globally connected, educated and less tribal.

> Ukrainian women and children
> to demographically challenged EU

All part of the plan

that'd be extremly retarded to do, the west understands this after our years in the middle east. before of what we done we now have to spend insane amounts of money in intelligence and terrorist stopping plots. From people 4km away. Imagine turning people on your border into blood thirsty terrorists.

>putin slaughtering civilians makes the west look bad
?????????????? kys germoid.

honestly with this war it has kinda solidified to me just how brain dead retarded Any Forums really is

like, I understand it's an anonymous board where anyone can post and all, but you guys are honestly less educated on topics like war and economy than fucking redditors and that's disturbing

you know how many times I've seen big brains on this board claim that russia defaulting is a "good thing"? or that it's bad for "the west?"

This is literally on the level of reddit with "money is just paper man, laws aren't real, borders don't exist" shit

just a reminder too that in the armenia/azeri war, Any Forums was convinced that russia-backed armenia would beat turkey-backed azerbaijan - and look how that ended

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