The US is literally 70 years ahead in military tech

The US is literally 70 years ahead in military tech
Let that sink in

Attached: 7426783456735.jpg (1249x1250, 141.93K)

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I shit blood

I cum blood

Its sinking great

Attached: 220128064903-crashed-f35-twitter-01242022-super-tease.jpg (1100x619, 94.38K)

So what. They are more than 70 years behind in willpower.
>inb4 omg yeah but sweeeeden
So is the entire west.

I ejaculate fire

Not for long, with all the diversity hires and affirmative action going on here.

That means they have very advanced gender reassignment surgeries, right?

>They are more than 70 years behind in willpower
I doubt that very much when shit hits the fan.

Same thread, different day. Is this automated?

You can only lack behind IRL, not being ahead. Unless you name something specific to compare it too

Also... being 70 years behind in willpower is probably a good thing KEK

>I win

Attached: bleached.gif (320x232, 855.91K)

Nah... unless someone controls me somehow that I'm not aware of

Even though that may be true, we now have pregnant women and trannies flying the jets.

nice larp kike

Let's ask what our Taliban bros think about your tranny soldiers using high tech weaponry

the hun-mongol horde is getting what they want out of the USA
>tfw your tech is superior but you won't order soldiers to stand in front of the hun-mongol horde to fight (and probably get run over) as the horde advances

Attached: f35-rust.jpg (1200x705, 101.38K)

First thing hit by chinks will be satellites
There goes most of US advantage

Means nothing if it’s controlled by bankers and corporations

Attached: 2022-03-15_201341.jpg (1089x691, 110.31K)

That's the stealth coating and you altered the saturation to make it look more dramatic than it does in real color.


Lmao, they don't rust.

they still can’t win a war against some goat fuckers bahahaa

we'll need that tech advantage since most american zoomers are pussies complaining about pronouns and worshipping niggers

>american zoomers are pussies complaining about pronouns and worshipping niggers
People will change quickly when forced through boot camp.

>inbred goat hearder in flip flops and an AK blocks your path

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MAKE NO MISTAKE. This is actual truth.

An infinity ahead in training and logistics.

You bastards can't even ocean much less travel to the other side of the world to test out your flying submarine.

Morelike couple hundred billion ahead. Not really years per se.

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Its cold