>“The key here is first to get China to recalculate and re-evaluate their position. We see no sign of that re-evaluation,” said another US official familiar with the discussions.

>“They’ve already decided that they’re going to provide economic and financial support, and they underscored that today. The question really is whether they will go further.”

>“It was an intense seven-hour session, reflecting the gravity of the moment, as well as our commitment to maintaining open lines of communication,” a senior administration official said. “This meeting was not about negotiating specific issues or outcomes, but about a candid, direct exchange of views.”

>Top of the Russian military shopping list in China are armed drones and various forms of ammunition, but any military transfers would not be straightforward.

>US intelligence believes that Xi Jinping has offered a massive economic package to Russia that would dwarf the losses experienced by Russia due to sanctions. The entire package is worth over $2 trillion over the nest two years.

>Worryingly for Washington, Chinese officials said they could not rule out providing further economic or military aid to Moscow.

>When US officials warned of possible sanctions, Chinese diplomats responded by saying they would be returned in-kind.

It's over... the dragon is awake.

Attached: xi jinping.png (596x753, 416.52K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Chinas Largest Trading Partners
1. US
2. EU
12. Russia
China imports 10 million barrels of oil a day

Do the math

Yeah, the maths is that they can bring the US economy to its knees if you fuck with them, and they know it.

I'm sure China is awake now after their stock market is crashing and one of their major banks could not make a margin call. They are loaded with debt like everyone else.

Most Chinese debt is held by Chinese citizens.

That how revolts start. China is familiar with those.


Most US debt is also held by US citizens. I think you'd collapse before China.

that means you are as dependent on them as they dependent on you

Attached: american-muttpc.png (714x656, 78.14K)

Holy based

>Clique of cosmopolitan, bourgeoise thieves.
Fuck. Right on the money.

Attached: DUCKED.webm (480x480, 1018.45K)

Maybe dual citizenship Israeli citizens. Two thirds of our millionaires and above are from jewish stock.

yea ok?

What can an average American do to hasten the change from jewish overlords to Chinese overlords

True, true.

China/Russia has been building an arctic passage that would shorten route to eu from 48 days to 17 (48 days being via suez canal atm), and building out the receiver ports along Russia north coastline. I know chinas playing both sides but I dont think its gonna dump russia either.

>Chinese diplomats responded by saying they would be returned in-kind.

Based. Sick of the US throwing around sanctions like they're candy.

You never win with freemasonry

Attached: Born to lose.jpg (649x805, 186.49K)

The chinese import their food and fertilizer
War with the US means hundreds of millions of bugs starve

Tweet is fake, fuck you

Guess which 2 countries produce 1/3 of the world's wheat?

Russia and Ukraine produce 70% of world's fertilizer and 30% of world's wheat. USA not needed