What did he mean by this?

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Doublethink the crimethink.

Lex is the definition of an astrotuf kike

jews are lying more than ever

He's pro Russia.

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he literally says what he means

The closer you get to the total collapse the more the establishment will lie, the more egregious the lies, the more hysterical the leaders will appear.

something something mgs

It means someone sent him actual info on the situation in ukraine, and it doesn't match the nerrative at all

He means he has terrible understanding of words.
Hard = physical
Difficult = task
A task cannot be hard. An object cannot be difficult
>My dick is hard
>My dick is difficult
The words are not interchangable. Nigger slang is filling our heads daily

It should read
It's becoming more and more difficult...

Every time I feel down I remember how my bed ridden grandma with dementia managed to slip past the front desk at the nursing home and go vote for Joe Biden in Racine Wisconsin according to this paperwork.

I find its the opposite, basically find what jews are saying and the truth will be the exact opposite of that


Attached: 1646306695946.jpg (369x308, 19.53K)

That love is the answer.

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Who is the faggot and why do I keep seeing him everywhere? I don't watch any of his stuff because he sounds like a pseudointellectual bitch.

It means the news is alarmingly inaccurate these days while conspiracy theories are coming true. While conspiracies theories are also very wrong at times, while the news also can be very right when it wants to be.
So he's saying the obvious, you just don't fucking know these days, we just think we know. Ya know on account of all the misinfo...

I think he means that it is becoming increasingly more difficult to learn what is true

Typical jewish double-talk. Elon (though goy) does it sometimes too. Makes him sound provocative, but you can't quite pin down what exactly is he saying. Basically it's an attention-grab. Trying to position himself as a "thought leader". Whatever happens he can claim to have been right. For instance:

"We were wrong, Russia was right all along, and Ukraine was full of Nazis, I'm happy that Russia won"

"I'm happy that Ukraine won, I was questioning how media manipulates our minds, why weren't we paying attention to those other wars"

or anything else

Ambiguity is pretty much deliberate "pil pul" trick.

That's also my strategy for finding truth.

he meant I_dont_know_any_more_who_is_jewing_who.png

Nigger you are the ignorant grammarian here. Hard has related to difficulty in the lexicon since terrible japanese translations of vidya. It's completely acceptable to use words to transmit ideas as succinctly as possible, and faggoty baiting try hards like you who think their 10 degrees in humanities matter on the internet make me sicker than any of the shit I see on the daily here.