>most stable and prosper country in the region.
>Globohomo and leftoids start riots so you end up with a new constitution.
>Your new president is a leftoid cuck
>Your secretary of defense is the grand daughter of The guy Pinochet took the power from

I guess it's time to retake Arica and Tarapaca.

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Other urls found in this thread:

isnt the right pro american in south america and left is just commies?

All the idiots who are thinking of fleeing to South America when the US collapses are in for a rude awakening. This isn't post-war, virtually untouched South America. This is '70 years of globohomo' South America.

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>be a shit country full of shit people
>nobody is happy
>riots happen
>Any Forums: Anal sex did this.

Globohomo and Jews are everywhere, but by comparison we're holding our own against them.

Except Chile, they're fucked.

Cases like the argies, bolivians or memezuelans are textbook commie influence with regional aspirations, not modern globohomo bullshit

Where would you suggest fleeing to? Asking for a friend...

No idea.

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I sure hope not... It was already bad with the crime and corruption, but at least we weren't Venezuela.

Is there really no hope? I don't want my country to turn into that kind of ungodly shithole.

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This WAS my choice to flee too when America becomes intolerable.....not anymore.

Ignorant American speaks .

Chile is beautiful and full of White people, dumb ass.

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>mutts fleeing to South America
No, not happening. Stay in your rotting carcass of a country, you have your guns and freedom, down here is already a hellish melting pot. Or all that talk about your forefathers and 'the tree of liberty being refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants' was just a LARP?

>Anal sex did this.
Thats not what globohomo means
the global-homo means homogenous humanity.
They want humanity to be mixed race....and boom no more "racism" !!!

I was stuck in Chile for 9 months during covid. I had the foggiest brain. Much better in Buenos Aires now. There's something going on there in either the air or the diet.

Mi general Augusto Pinochet
El nuevo padre de la patria

The "European" trio of SA-Argentina, chile and Uruguay

>SII director -equivalent of IRS- refuses to prosecute corrupt businessmen constantly
>Former businessman president refused to do shit about it
>Second day in office new president removes corrupt director and places a renown economist in it

We're gonna be fine unlike Peru that has a complete retard as president who in his close cabinet has a guy tied to Sendero Luminoso. A literal terrorist apologist. GTFO cuck

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Answering to a peruvian is like talking to my dog.

Go ahead there probably will be any opposition
Your clown white pimp hat pressident isnt sonwthing to be proud anyway

> I guess it's time to retake Arica and Tarapaca.
Fuck yeah do it. I´ll join and die for sombrero man

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for thos wondering why, a 3 of like the lithium in the world is in chile, and lets just say america cant depend on oil any longer.

Glowniggers did there job

That's mean amigo

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Sopa de paloma
Una delicia

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They can get it from middle east, Mexico and Canada

Fleeing to chilean patagonia sounds comfy. Are mapuches in the countryside still a thing?

Indio pride worldwide.

How does it feel to be raped by globohomo?From God tier to Cuck Tier country in less than 2 years.

Requesting webm of tranners shoving dildos up their ass in the public street during the riots in Santiago. Shit was cash.

Sounds like another successful Color Revolution. Enjoy your Democracy™... No refunds.

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>Masters degree
>University of London
