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Another authoritarian shithole that will fall

hey rayan why are you in russia

Let us hope so.

The whole world is an authoritarian shithole, Sergei

what did he mean by this

Time to finally bring DEMOCRACY to Saudi Arabia and end these killings, my burger friends.

Watch them fail at another coup.

It's the last battle between democracy and tyranny, light and darkness, humanity and orks

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Uh oh dollar bros how will we recover from this

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>he still believes in democracy

Based. Unpredictable international alliance in the making. I gues OPEC wants to choke US out now.

proxy hohol spotted

>humanity and orks
Orks always win in the end. WAAAAHG

If the US is coping isn't that a good thing? Would be worse if the US couldn't cope

We're out here. Citizens of the world are sick of being lead around by egos with weapons. Evil wins when good men do nothing. It's time for the meek to take what the lord has promised them. From EVERY country.

yeah it's sad to watch them pretend they care about human rights now when it's obviously just they're buttblasted over their authoritarian shithole and toilet paper money collapsing

They will pay for this

has it happened??

OPEC will be choking on missiles if they keep this up

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>believe only in two sides

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US Trannies will missile themselves

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And wee goblins, apparently. Are those his stilt lifts to make him look taller? I always heard he was a manlet, but wow. Can he see over that podium?

now saudia arabia is the bad guy

>geopolitics are just like high fantasy fiction made for children
grow up

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Prepping the normie mind for the invasion of SA has begun

Hope they're having fun in their battle against the Yemeni rebels. Valar Morghulis... House of Saud.

Who needs saudi oil anyway when we can just make a deal with Canada or Mexico. Seriously guys.

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how much are you paying for "gas" you dirty mutt

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>Release the glowies

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This lmao. Power rules and nothing else. No such a thing as human rights or democracy.

This is what happens when the God of the Torah, Koran, or Bible is declared Supreme over a nation's government and our Founding Fathers knew that.

Why they killed them?

Are you going to stand around with a sign and chant simplistic slogans?

US media always talked shit about Saudi Arabia and how oppressive it is etc. Maybe they’ll just do it more now. Did you think they were some kind of 3rd rail?

I will kill boomers


they were Redditors

>US media always talked shit about Saudi Arabia and how oppressive it is etc.
No they didn't. Other countries were singled out even though Saudi was always one of the most based

Kek how much are you nigger? But nah you're not a euro anyway, are ya?

Try not to ruins your Vans in the process. You won't be able to replace them for awhile.

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They don't like Biden dealing with Iran, and I don't blame them.

Oh lord please yes, send me the times of trouble so that this cursed order can die. Soon will come the return, but only after

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>angry mutt noises