Russians have been caught on camera executing unarmed civilians

russians have been caught on camera executing unarmed civilians

this is pretty fucked

Attached: file.png (561x915, 318.1K)

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Not my problem

Keep believing Ukrainikike propaganda

ok ivan

Can't have war crimes when there is no war.

ok moshie

Really makes you think.

can you name a friend of putin who isn't a jew?

Attached: 1647050608032.jpg (1016x1024, 180.84K)

Attached: 1647361402495.jpg (620x1024, 140.9K)

And then they eat the babies alive while the mother watched.

germon public tv is a less credible sauce than rt.

Contrarian faggot. You know if reddit was supporting Russia, you'd be pro-Ukraine.

what are you saying. it's CGI?

>glownigger spamming all day

hi vaush.

More likely it's redditors that went to fight for globohomo and then refused when they realized they were on the losing side of a geurilla war and didn't want to be sent on a suicide mission so were executed for non-compliance.

>Contrarian faggot. You know if your enemy was supporting X, you'd be pro-Y.
Damn you're right but I can't remember what's the ethnicity of the president of Ukraine?

that doesnt make any sense with what is seen in the video

are you mentally challenged?

Ukraine killing their own.
And those are 100% not Russian military.

covid lockdowns and the bullshit vax were war crimes. fix that one first and maybe I'll start caring about this one.

It's 2022 and drone footage is still this grainy? How fucking convenient.

>unarmed civilians
They had arms.

he asked you something

Attached: 1645921441783.png (442x442, 466.66K)

Ok naive liberal faggot

Should've taken the vaccine.

>uhhh putin is the real jew look at this infographic
nigga Zelenskyy is an open jew and Azov is funded by Israel

Attached: 1646388972157.jpg (604x908, 105.3K)

I just don't know and don't care anymore.
All you Europeans had this coming. Should've told America to fuck off after Soviets died.

I stopped believing this shit after the 10,000 Ukrainian propaganda posts that turned out to all be fake/Ukrainians killing their own citizens. Guess they don't pay you guys enough to put any real effort into it.

>German State TV
It's the Ministry of Truth, it's gotta be true

thats so incredibly fake

>cars drive INTO kiev
>random russian tank in kiev
>the only drone that does not get shot down films very convenient propaganda footage

the dude literally does the videogame "i am instantly dead from a shot to the center" animation

>And those are 100% not Russian military.

V on tank and white tape on leg.

christ you're fucking dumb if you believe that.
it's 100% made up bullshit.

Attached: file.png (399x326, 138.39K)

Someone spell it out for me? how did the perpendicular car get stopped on the road?

Attached: 1647328963059.webm (576x1280, 1.57M)

Ah yes, very specific.

Not my problem

Attached: 1647303911686.gif (510x510, 801.53K)

it's a footage from crash bandicoot

Stopped reading right there. They are the definition of Luegenpresse

How do we know what natiionality anyone in the tweet is?

>ukranians dressed as russians

Ja. Nicht nur wenn es um Russland geht, immer wenn etwas passiert muss es erst stundenlang gefiltert werden bevor er es an die Massen verfüttert wird, wenn überhaupt, während viele ausländische medien sofort berichten, Beispiel Irans Raketenattacke neulich

>loudly announce all remaining citizens have AK's and molotovs
>"omgsss russia killed a citizen"

it's all so tiresome

What a convenient drone placement.