Why do white people claim to be black now

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We stealing yo nigga privilege

im shocked this doesn't annoy black people more

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You know why, memeflag.

Because white privilege is a lie

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>because honk

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so just black

all the black male semen they ingest into their bodies change them

this woman is a brainwashed husk, who cares?

To not be killed by real niggers?


Wiggers have already been around for a few years, dude, you must be a youngfag. Back in '95-'98 when i was in high school, all the white guys who thought they were "cool" were listening to gangsta rap and calling each other "nigga" just the same way they do today. The only thing that's gotten worse is social tolerance for that bullshit, but that bullshit was still common in a lot of places.

>do ancestry test
>1% black
>proclaim that they are black
wow i wonder why

Liberal purity spiral. Somebody was more underprivileged then her in some community where that actually mattered and she was forced to be on the recieving end of a
>Sit yo white colonizer ass down and listen
Niggerbabble speech. She didn't get into the woke game for that nonsense. Now she's officially 1/32 Black on her great great grandfathers side and can go back to being one of the privileged underprivileged.

Wiggers are making a come back.

They did 23 and me, saw 1% African and rolled with it

Just like E Warren LARPs as indigenous. Now it has clout to be black

They got ≤ 1% nog result in their 23andme test.

it does annoy them. the jews simply won't bring it up because of the optics
>why do people want to be niggers if niggers are victims?

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Please located Italy on the globe. Excellent, now please located Ireland on the globe. Correct! Now show us where is black

Yh they were not niggers tho

She's clearly southern Italian

Shut up whiteboy. Chad-Romania pact.

She looks 25% black

Oh please. If she posted her ancestry results, you fags would’ve called her a nigger anyways.
>> 367344280
This board does the same exact shit

1. A fundamental aspect of modern American culture is the Worship of Blacks.
2. American culture has been exported to the entirety of Western Europe, to the point where western european culture is now indistinguishable from american culture.
3. Being black or pretending to be black is now a high-status move in the US and Western Europe.

This is no different to the ancient times where people would move cities and affix a preposition signifying nobility to their surname, to dupe others into thinking they were higher status than they are. It's just the opposite way now because we now live in a weird Jewish inverted world of values.

So same reason behind almost all of these "why do white people..." questions: status elevation among peer group(s).

They have been made a shamed