Japan to drop school school regulation ban of ponytails, black hair dye and long skirts



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jaykau wa... eroi ne

thats the end of japan as civilization

>we need more children
>but we also need to become prudes

>>we need more children
>>but we also need to become prudes
You are correct retard.
Prudes have children.
Degenerates do not.
That's why right wingers have more children than libshits.
That's why demorats have to import shitskins votes because of liberal's decreasing numbers. Otherwise demorats would never win.

Good point, but doing this quaker tier shit just isn't going to work anymore.

>Give women the right to vote
>They give foreigners the right to vote and open the borders to let in an endless stream of them
>They abort their babies - future potential right wing votes

land of the setting sun

>black hair dye
what? asians have natural black hair
why do they need a black dye?

>Prudes have children.
>Degenerates do not.
>That's why right wingers have more children than libshit

Except right wingers are not prudes, they are promiscuous porn whoredom degenerates. So apparently you're wrong somewhere. Right wingers are also the liberals, they're also child predators and pedophiles and MAPs.

And those on the left have notably less sexual activity than porn whoredom right wingers. Fuck off you projecting shill.

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Race mixing with whites have made brown and blonde hair more common.

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No, many have a brownish tint. And the schools required them to dye their hair black to attend.

That rule needed to go. Not being able to wear your natural hair color is absurd.

that makes sense to me

>black hair dye

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Let the hypergamy commence

>baning long skirts
>wearing pants like male instead
yeah fucking setting

Would, but those are rarities, fishpeople are despisable.
Too much make up, mixed with their greasy skin, becomes a kind of mud, that is absolutely disgusting.
There are some brazilian+japanese mixed ones who are masterrace tho.

I fucking kek'd out loud

>long skirts will be allowed
But why? Please think of the perverts who will suffer from this.

You know, in 2016 I had sex with probably the ugliest japanese girl in the entire prefecture of Hiroshima and I still remember that night like one of the best of my life.
>pic not related

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did you get married with her or ran away?

and how old was she? 10?

Ponytails are cute.

women not having children has nothing to do with voting. they re taking the migrants because people are not having children in the first place. if the pop was stable migration allowed would be next to 0 and you d see the democrats rationalizing it.

This wouldn't have to do with the new influx of slavic refugees?

"Maps" there's no such thing just child molesters and groomers

kek'd + check'd

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japanese women are very submissive and will do anything you want, just dont use words, use their bodies and they love it

Putin comeback.we must fuck japan

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Shut up, nigger. This is building the future.

So only short skirts were allowed before? What a loss...

it was a one night thing and she probably just wanted to fuck a gaijin and don't see me again
thats a pretty outdated meme.

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Samurais are still around

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It's the sailor uniforms and nothing else

This. The end of the Japanese as a distinct people. Pretty soon they'll be drowned by brown people, of whom they best they can achieve is some proximity, and outward similarity to the country they've moved to.


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fuck you degenerate disgusting faggot

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All samurai were cucks clinging onto a useless code of honour.

ancient japan was full of cuckism though

>mongol aka the ugliest asians

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that's enough

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My gf has brownish hair. when she was in highschool back in Korea she was forced to dye it black because they thought she had dyed it brown.

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wasted digits, cope & seethe the post; you libshits are an endangered species.

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