Why are these niggers killing themselves if they are the same people?

Why are these niggers killing themselves if they are the same people?

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take off the memeflag and then I'll tell you FAGGOT

Mental illness

Ukraine wants its country filled with niggers and trannies and the other 2 don't

>muh same people
never mattered. even swedes and danes would kill each other again if Russia was not the big boy in europe at the moment

Old Slavic tradition, at least we're not on Yugoslavia levels yet

Wars are usually started by governments and powerful people, not by individual ethnic groups.
The leaders don't give a shit about the ethnicity. They just use those people as a means to an end. All everyone cares about is money, power and the geopolitical strategic locations which are rich in resources.

Ukrainians, Russians and Belarussians are not the same people.
It's like saying, "why did the British and Irish fight? They are literally brothers part of the same kingdom lmao"

LMAO USSR policy to prevent imperialisation. They made them new language and propaganda books like everyone here from different planet but we came here and unite for communism.

>They made them new language
Ukrainian language has been around for atleast 700 years.

Just slavs doing slav things....

It's a jewish civil war. Goyim are the foot soldiers. What the ultimate aims of world jewery are clear: kill as many white men as possible, remove Russia as an obstacle to the Jew World Order, and that's it.

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I thought it would be more like Swedes vs. Finns and Danes vs. Norwegians?
Correct me if I mangled the history there, but that's where I've seen the most seething directed.

I'll let the alleato germanico do the talking

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they were never independent nad always slavic it's like British islands changing loyalty to Canada.

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Ukrainian fake propaganda, in 1400 all slavic has single writing language and local speaking accent.

yeah except it's a different ethnicity with their own language, culture, cuisine, genetics.
You can literally do a DNA test and it will tell you if you're more Ukrainian or Russian.

It's weird that you try to deny the existence of Ukrainians by referring to them all as Russians, then using this logic an excuse to treat them like subuhmans, invade, and kill those that are supposedly your own Russian brothers.

Cause Putin, Zelensky, Lukashenko, FSB, CIA and MI6 are ALL FUCKING RETARED.

Okay, so Russia and Belarus win and they take Ukraine back.
What happens next?


because the kike of ukraine has decided not to surrender
