Don't Relax

The ‘vaccine’ attack on humanity has not gone away.
The Guardian today have shifted their ‘vax your kids’ propaganda from their Covid section to the Schools section.
It’s the same double talk. Children are at once not at risk, but also the most at risk.
It’s the same lies. The vaccines are safe. The vile scum behind this article surely know that vaccines are not safe.
>The medical arguments are marginal for children, but once the decision has been made that the vaccine is safe, has some effectiveness, and on balance, parents should be able to opt in for their children if they so wish
They link to a study that they say shows vaccines are beneficial for kids. If you read the study it pretty much says the vaccines do nothing.

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Death cult confirmed.
There is no other explanation.

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stop fucking the cunny globohomo jesus titty fucking christ it's not that hard

>HUR DUR covid was memoryholed in 2 days
>newspaper keep writing articles on covid
Uh oh, it seems that Any Forums was wrong again...

Looks like we don't need to represent racial diversity for this news story.

That's part of the message. It's consistent in the Guardian - when they promote vaxxing the kids, it's always Guardian reader kids. Someone commented on another story, the only time the Guardian shows happy white people is when it's promoting getting them to kill their kids.

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the ride never ends. have mercy on me Gods. i am getting tired

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五毛 Vax Em All 2022
I am science man
410,757,864,530 DEAD CHILDREN

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the digits are hollow nowadays. they only serve to confirm the despair

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>the kind of tired that sleep won't fix

the horror hasn’t even begun yet
we haven’t even seen the start of it

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Make 'most successful' green.

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Our version of the CDC doesn't want children vaccinated but the politicans kept pestering them until they cucked and deferred the decision to the Political Cheif medical officer

I saw that.
Also, rings a bell that they changed the members of SAGE when they recommended against 'vax' for teens. New members voted for it, not for medical reasons, but for concerns about lost schooling.
This concern is not mentioned now because of lost schooling from vax reactions.

We all just had the coof. Adults had the equivalent of a mild flu, are all fine (including 80 year old grandparents.) kids had a day or two of feeling off colour, fever and one of them was sick in the night. So extra laundry for me but they were back to full energy within the weekend.
There is absolutely zero clinical rationale for injecting kids. My kids have had worse colds. Even the kid we know with cystic fibrosis was fine. Every other childhood disease they’ve had like chickenpox or random rashes was worse than this.
I am a scientist, and I do not call for this. Speak for yourself, guardian, you absolute rag

>not for medical reasons, but for concerns about lost schooling.
They had no such concerns when we were all locked down for months in end with schools shut. The absolute bastards. This cohort of kids will have significant damage from all this. Not from the coof itself but from masks, hysteria, lost time with families, being told they’re dirty plague spreaders, lost education, etc. mate of mine is a pastoral lead at a school in a fairly nice area and she has seen multiple cases of kids at home subjected to abuse becasue the parents know they can beat their kids and they aren’t going out in public for anyone to see bruises.

Two more weeks, just give me two weeks to come up with another lie or excuse.

Science has noted that moving goal posts around to excess can lead to brain damage, lowered levels of believability, and eventual cancellation.

Just spinning around in circles like a madman in the sun….

They have intentionally raised a generation of dysfunctional germophobes they can engineer with scare stories for life. 2 years of this when you're a child is forever to them.

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I see stuff like this and it gives me a tiny bit of hope that the kids are, in fact, alright.

Fucking based child

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Yeah, but think of all the non-Whites getting vaxxed.

Whites are the only major racial group with high vaccine rates.