Leftist cringe thread *2020-2021 nigger riots edition*

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it's still funny to me that they don't know fascism is a left ideology.

no, its not. what are you, retarded?

>Europeans: America is so far-right
>Also Europeans: "Her Majesty's Government"

oh, user...
fascism is leftist because it takes power away from the citizenry and hands it to a centralized entity.

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Andy Ngo doing actual journalism

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You're just describing authoritarianism. Fascism is neither left nor right. It's the third position.

Do these chumps know the definition of fascism

your doublethink is cringe, user.
it's 100% authoritarian.

ay post sommor nigga

There are multiple ways of defining fascism.
Both of you can both be correct here

>multiple ways of defining fascism
fascism is the mixture of corporate and state powers.
it is when you're not allowed to eat because the corporation says you're not on the schedule.

And how is that leftist in any way shape or form?

RIP Pence

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an entity with centralized power and a populace with no power is the definition of leftism.


Burger reading comprehension
Fuck off lolbert retard. You're literally describing the endgame of unrestrained capitalism. Fascism is a nationalist ideology.


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The fact that you and I are arguing about now, and also based on the variances in definitions everywhere else, pretty clearly demonstrates there is a wide spectrum of opinion on what the term truly means.

Depending on the scholar you ask, you may get different definitions.

It's actually a healthy thing that no "government" is setting the single meaning of the term fascist in stone, because that would be fascist.

Conservatives are nothing more than moderate liberals. Go back to watching the rabbi fuck your wife.

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My team good and your team bad.

>You're literally describing the endgame of unrestrained capitalism
incorrect, dummy.
why did you listen to propaganda from stupid people in college?
>Fascism is a nationalist ideology
corporations aren't national entities, user.
also, nationalism is neither left nor right since it can fit into either power structure.

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>there is a wide spectrum of opinion on what the term truly means
fascism is defined by it's creator, moussolini.
now quit being a nincompoop.

This is unironically the correct position to take. Have integrity. Those who oppose me are evil. It is objectively right for me to win and wrong for my enemies to win. If it comes down to it, I will fight my enemies to the death.

I think the fundamental features of fascism are:

1) the individual is expected to make personal sacrifices for the good of the state; personal liberty comes second.

2) War between states is sometimes a good thing

>the word "conservative" is nowhere in the post
>he sees the word "conservative"
what psychosis is this?

i see you are a leftist because you confuse objectivity with personal desire which is the definition of subjectivity.