I would give my left nut to watch these three morons get thrown into a black hole

I would give my left nut to watch these three morons get thrown into a black hole

reminder, conservatives and liberals are exactly the same

party is in power
>Free speech bad!
party is out of power
>Free speech good!

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the only opinions you are allowed to hold are those issued by the state. any other should result in immediate imprisonment.

Why does Keith Olbermann always look like he's giving a hallucinogen-addled rant on Facebook Live

to me he always looks like he's about to cry because his gay lover told him he is to old an inadequate to fulfill his lifestyle wants and needs.

If Joe McCarthy were alive today he'd be hosting a show on MSNBC.

Because he is ever watch him like an unfunny alex jones rant from park ave. just sneering now at everyone that is not himself.

>Why does Keith Olbermann always look like he's giving a hallucinogen-addled rant on Facebook Live
Keith got fired from the news about 5-10 years ago, he's literally been unemployed and livestreaming insane self-written screeds from his bedroom since that time

Whats up with this russian asset shit.
Isn't it "baseless allegations", "unfounded conspiracy theories" or does this jew actually have some intel to back his claims up?

BS. The right isn't against free speech. I watched Russia-Gate rubes scream at the top of their lungs for years on end and it never crossed my mind that they should be jailed or even banned off social media, but it's always the first thing that pops into a Democrat voters head. Party of authoritarian quislings.

The entire Democrat party still believes Trump is a Russian asset.

I don't think even the left takes keith olbermann seriously anymore.
He's become a ranting psycopath broadcasting from a network that nobody watches and he just screams into the void about drumpf all day every day.

Yeah, like trump was.

Now only the small issue of proofs, kieth. They had over a year and the full power and resources of the US government…yet, nothing was found relating to Trump.

Maybe I should lock you up for being something I don’t like? You certainly deserve a punch in the face for even suggesting this lunacy.

>5-10 years ago
I just looked it up, it was in 2011. He's been an unemployed street preacher for over a decade lmao

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How you gonna arrest a puppet?

They're both puppets. They don't serve the American People - they serve a Puppet Master.

ugh, i know, im just not gonna hate russia. I KNOW!

perhaps Q user is pushing these conspiracies.

It's based on a "memo leaked to Mother Jones by a Russian state media worker who wishes to remain anonymous".

They've been trying to bring back McCarthyism for a while now but with Ukraine they have amped it up into full blown hysterical war propaganda mode. Thinking critically and outside the official mainstream media narrative makes you a traitor to the United States, a Putin puppet, and a war criminal.


*fired by every network he ever worked for, literally nobody in the business wants to work with him, can only spew rabid leftism from the balcony of his NY apt he'll have to sell soon, if he doesn't hurl himself off before he runs out of money.


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>insane man continues to scream and ramble incoherent non-sense into a camera held too close to his face
Who cares.

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Yeah I can't imagine what kind of a horrible person he is in private. look at the creeps they put up with as it is.

people need to start replying to all of Keith's posts with "Take your meds boomer."

How the fuck are liberals and conservatives the same when only one side is pushing the tranny cult agenda and dumbing down white kids because niggers are too stupid to learn how to read and count? Fuck off.

>I would give my left nut to watch these three morons get thrown into a black hole
You're dumb. Tulsi and Tucker are based. Olbermann is a retard.

amen, brother

This guy is obviously a pedo

All 3 of them are nuts

Trump messed him up pretty good

So a
>Source: my ass

>Free speech bad!
Feel free to show me one time the right did this when Trump was in office.

i hate olbermann with a passion
does anyone have the meme of him
podcasting out of his garage?

They were doing it nonstop when the Iraq War started.


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