Do nothing

>do nothing

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Black Chinese magic defeats Jewish Demonic Sorcery

They had their biggest stock market crash in decades today

Crazy what you can do when the psychotic retards running the rest of the world decide to give you all of their fucking factories and then proceed to destroy themselves with even more retarded foreign/immigration policy.
Xi is playing Sid Meier's on Settler difficulty.

I thought we figured this was the plan?

>>Be chinkee
>>Strong production but much competitive world economy
>>Pay American crackhead to undermine one of your friends exports
>>Your friend gets mad and attacks a puppet state
>>World mad
>>Friend can no longer trade with the big boys
>>Has to come to you
>>Chinese century

When the all world going into economic hell - no surprising what worldwide factory take some damage too.


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The Chinese won a long time ago

Honestly checked

yeah, but now we lose, bigly

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This really is a war beyond our mortal scope.

Also checked.

China is collapsing while I type this. Globohomo released its genespecific bioweapon 2.0. And this time its supereffective.

2bh china is big braining this whole thing. they are going to own russia soon

Thank God.

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How does he do it?

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They have closed their entire industry. Chinese are dying be the 100000s every day. This is not like the 2020 chinese psyop with fake clips. They are dropping like flies.

genuine schizophrenia

Joe is an idiot.
A very old idiot.
Joe is owned by China.
Nancy is an idiot.
A very old idiot.
Nancy is owned by China.
Harris is an idiot.
Harris is younger.
Harris isn't wholly owned by China but there are strings.
American voters voted for these idiots.
China is winning a nation of complete idiots.

Is Putin's goal to turn Russia into a yellow chink satelite? Is the guy retarded or something?

This is to be expected when you do a currency transition with obvious political fallout.
But if Chinese commodities go off the dollar, the US is fucked. Add the Saudis in the mix, oh boy, we might see the end of GAE

Lets hope chinese overlords will be better for russians then mongols

seems like yes to both questions.

Check TG you imbecile. What is happening in China now is MASSIVE. Wondered why literally NOTHING is coming out of there for weeks now?
The variant was released right after the winter games. Just wait a couple days and remember my posts

QRD on this? New variant? American released?

The world is fucked, I want to get off this ride.

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