"I'm not rich now, but I will be one day! So I better vote against my own interests!"

>"I'm not rich now, but I will be one day! So I better vote against my own interests!"
Why do so many Americans suffer from temporarily embarrassed millionaire syndrome?

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this is socialist nonsense
look as an amateur sociologist i can tell you why americans won't vote for socialism:
that simple, low trust society, nobody wants their taxes going to lazy niggers.

Pretty sure importing third world shitbags isn't in their best interest either. Both sides really suck and aren't for the American people. Once you get past the "my team good, your team bad" meme maybe you would realize that but its doubtful.


$8 a gallon of gas
$9 for a loaf of bread
Democrats sure are helping the poor

>another bad faith argument from champagne socialists to punch down on people below their income bracket
Party of the working class, everybody...
SauSAGE. Have sex, leftcels.

There is no option to vote for that is in our interest. Democrats want to keep the poor poor so they can continue using them for their own profit.

>"I can tell you what your interests are without understanding anything about your life or where you live"
t. ivory tower fuckwit

This is a glownigger thread. However, i will respond because i am stupid.

75% of all burgers' immediate families have been in the 80th-90th percentile of burgerstan for at least 4 years within the past 40 years. The top 10pc stay there and the bottom 10pc stay there, leaving a measly 5pc who are in the limbo of middle-class-without-economic-mobility.

Therefore when a burger votes for tax cuts for the rich, he talks about his recent past of being rich and giving to the poor, and when a burger votes for tax cuts for the poor, he talks about his recent past of being rich and jacking-up prices to reduce even more money from the welfare checks of the poor.

Germans have more socialism but less hope. Hope is inversely proportional to amount of socialist policies.


Last I checked it wasn't the Republican party telling me to buy an expensive ass electric vehicle to fix the government's fucked up gas prices.

I unironically will be rich very very soon because I own Gamestop stock (ticker: GME)

>be American
>live in Republican location
>the Union town defends the worker,
>all the Union people vote red
>live in Democratic location
>all the city people hate the unions for starting shit
>city people vote blue

The USA truely is a backwards land of cowards.
>and thats a good thing

How is voting for a party that openly hates you in your own interests?

>National socialists vote for free shit
No shit

honest to god the thought that I may one day pay through taxes for a niggers whole life from birth to death keeps me up at night

>democrats: the GOP only cares about rich people. We care about you poors!
How does flooding the USA with illiterate illegal aliens with 10 kids help me not be poor? How does giving them welfare, free healthcare, free educations, subsidized housing, discounted utilities, half price Amazon prime, Obamaphones, and more help me not be poor?
Ditto for all the refugees as well.

your profession might be gay, but you are not as gay as your profession. FPBP

a lot of americans are retarded but voting is fake anyway

I did odd jobs and an apprenticeship before going into the corporate world and never met a single blue collar person in my life that actually liked middle class twats like this that feel the need to tell others what's good for them (without even listening). They ALWAYS resented them. They'd get on with the work, but you could just see it in their eyes, they hated them and treated them as a necessary evil on the way to a weeks' wages. Slowly too, I began to hate them as well. These people also had no interest in what we were doing, sometimes trying to belittle our efforts and would always complain about the price and try to get out paying the full amount.

The irony is that when we went to upper class places they were actually pretty respectful and let us get on with the work. Never gave us hassle over the price, they'd have questions of course but that'd be before the work started, once the price was agreed that was it. Literal night and day difference.

There is no party in America that supports actual poverty relief measures. You will never be a woman.

>"I'm not rich now, but I will be one day! So I better vote against my own interests!"
Buttgag, Harris, and Biden, the party of the working class, just told the working class to stop being poor and buy a tesla if cost of living are too high. Meanwhile, Trump cut taxes for everyone and paradoxically increased tax revenue while also keeping COL and gas prices low and preventing wars with China, Russia, and NoKo.

Fp is not always bp, but when it is, FBfuckingBP

I’m a high school dropout with 800k in the bank from unclogging the toilets of helpless intellectuals like this lady (not by myself obviously, I started a business with my $4k in wage slavings)

opinion disregarded. A poor person in America has a better life than a middle class person in Europe.
>but le health care
Americans have health insurance.

> Why do so many Americans suffer from temporarily embarrassed millionaire syndrome?
Isn’t this just a fucking regurgitation of George Carlin’s humor?

I don't want a handout of "free" food and to live in a subsidized shitbox.
I want to own my own house and land so I can grow my own damn food.
Don't give me a fish. Stop fencing off the rivers and lakes and let me go and fish in peace.

That's not why the working class votes for the GOP. They dog whistle to ethnocentric white people to get their vote. Immigration. That's the only reason the South votes for them.

Germany can afford nice things because we pay for their defense.
They are subhuman leeches that have bled us dry.
Do you want free healthcare, free education, safe cities, and high speed rail?
Then slash the fucking military budget and tell these freeloading pieces of shit to pay for their own defense.

I wasn’t rich until I entered my 40’s. It’s called investing and compound interest. So yes it’s ok to vote for your future if you know anything about investing

It's the same shit on Any Forums. A bunch of welfare rats destined to be pod people complaining about how libs and niggers are such leeches.
Stupid people = poor people. Always.