Why are lefties obsessed with trains lately?

Why are lefties obsessed with trains lately?

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When braking, trains, like electric cars, recover a lot of the energy they have put into accelerating before. A car consumes fuel irrecoverably. It's not just leftists who like trains. It's engineers, or more generally, technologically mature people.

They hate their lives and want to jump in front of one.

You will understand in 2 weeks.

The jab gave them autism.

Much more energy efficient to move large numbers of people in a train than cars. But it's not a solution for every country. High speed trains need to connect very densely populated areas to make economical sense.

Efficient electrical railroad system is way less energy consuming and greener than planes and cars.

I don't know, but lefties never actually build anything so you pay for a dream and a dream is exactly what you end up with.

train autism is best autism

They dont realize train use is btfo by covid and minorites.

That would unironically be based.

Kill yourself

Train obsession is a common trope in regards to autism. It isn't just a meme either. Every turbo autist I have ever encountered IRL was obsessed with trains, whether they were 5 or 55.

I didn't know that they were, but trains don't deserve a bad reputation because of lefties. In terms of long distance public transportation, trains are superior to planes and buses.

>Why are lefties obsessed with trains lately?
You spelled trans wrong

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This, trains are cheap, efficient and practical. Especially in times like this it's good to have such a transportation system, like in case you run short of fuel.

because gas is becoming too expensive for individual cars, so they think everyone should just use public transportation

Dude, everyone likes trains.

>cheap intercountry transportation is communist!
Fucking neck yourself, you GM/petrol shill.

Trains is hard job

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You'd have to be a miserable contrarian retard to dislike trains. Trains are good for everyone.

They love the big projects of the early 20th century, but they also love crushing regulations.

I america at least trains limit movement and when and where you are allowed to go. The government can entirely dictate where you can go if you are tethered to train lines. Trains are cool, but should be used in tandem with individual vehicles.

Trains are based, especially the kind that takes the jews away.

>train autism is best autism

not with niggers


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they want you to ride around in them with the niggers and New AmericansTM

You do realize we are maybe 10 years off of the government having a killswitch in every vehicle, right? You're the type to fight against right to repair because it violates the manufacturers' copyright or some shit.

>I america at least trains limit movement
Get out of the car you fatass.

What do you have against trains? Trains are cool.

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I wouldn't worry so much about the trains fat ass, better start learning to like walking everywhere.

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Pair it up with gorillion nuclear plants in the USA, I honestly don't know why those retards didn't invest in electrical railroads yet.
Yes, it's a load of terrain to cover, still in the long run it's worth it.

Because Vlad is running one on Ucraine right now.

Because they can't create so they take cool ideas and act like they were theirs the entire time. Having a nice train system is not a partisan thing, it's just cool

It's also a much more efficient way to generate kickbacks and slush funds.

my car is from the 80's man. I don't plan on having a new car ever. What's your point here, i have purposefully kept old vehicles for that exact reason. It's not my problem everyone sold their cars for cash for clunkers.

Good trains are the sign of a high IQ, functioning society.

Trains are literally based as fuck and super cool you great supine protoplasmic invertebrate jelly.

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Maybe that retard Adam Something?



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Trains are the superior form of transportation. The fact that many nations, mine included, replaced train transportation for mass automobile production is a disaster.
My country is on its knees against the trucker mafia. Getting anywhere in Brazil is a nightmare. Long drives, terrible roads, countless toll booths. Let's not even get into gas prices, air and sound pollution and time wasted.

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They've daydreamed about zero emissions so much that they think it's reality.
>Take the train/subway to work
Neglecting that they don't exist on an hourly schedule outside of dense cities or as it is here, THERE ARE NO TRAINS/SUBWAY as they "oopsie" forgot that it also needs to be built. Not to mention, there is no transportation around midnight, god forbid people work the evening or night shift, huh..
They want us all to squeeze into a pod and live to work, not work to live. All for the plan ((the great reset)) by the most evil dictator in human history, schwab.

Fuck globalhomo

Rubber tire on road generate a large amount of friction that waste energy. While train on tracks is a significantly more energy efficient form of traveling. Being less oil dependent means being less reliant on organization like OPEC.