Egypt was African

You can't say that Egypt wasn't black, it's literally in Africa and we can see it in the hieroglyphs aswell as common traits in statues today.

Arabs and whites were still living in the mountains and caves when we built the pyramids.

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Other urls found in this thread:

There were some blacks.

very, very weak bait.
try harder next time.

There's this yuuuuuge natural barrier that separates North Africa from South Africa its called the Sahara desert its why Southerb Africans still live in huts and why North Africa had advanced civilizations.

You couldn't just uber across the Sahara back in the day shitnindont think you can uber across it today

everything above sahara was mediteraneean ppl
with egypt as exception because it's easy to migrate up along the sea / arabian peninsula

p.s. u waz court servants slaves, the kind that carries your fruit around not the whipped kind

You feign troll but all you typed is true.

the african country with the holy mountain that egypt enslaved fr hundreds of years ruled egypt for 500 years after the rulers of egypt made a total mess of it and asked the african Egyptians to step up and help.
500 years they ruled.

Nigger cope, you never even invented the wheel in all history lol
All fields

> hieroglyphs
stop right there, and look at the average literacy amongs niggers... yeah this Kangz larp fallas apart right away

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Yes the Nubians did rule Africa for a few decades, but they were Eastern African, not western African.

Most of Egypt's history, they were middle-eastern.
The Kush Dynasty were sub-Saharan black.
The Argead and Ptolemaic were Mediterranean.
The citizens were from all over the place.

Egypt is literally in africa, but no; niggers were slaves there.

if they wuz KANGS and spacegods and sheit!!! why is there no Wakanda south of the Sahara were black niggers live? North Africa is shitskins not Negros, and the only thing negros ever built were nigloos.

You're welcome to move back to your utopia in Africa then niggero.

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I do not undersand why Bantus are so damn fixated on egypt. Cant they use medival Ghana or something with actual Bantus as their cultural roots?

Based! Whitey stay malding as usual that the only reason they got anywhere was because of that big whip they got and literally nothing else and will be regarded as the cause of the majority of the problems in the modern world.

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black people does not have vertical nosethrills, specially not africans

I mean to be fair the meme is kinda stupid because Indians were very very diverse and allowed tolorance of numerous groups of different people but still better than whiteys poor excuse of "memes" that just boil down to gaslighting themselves on how much better they are for genociding people and children and how because they did it, that was good, yet whine that jews apparently are genociding their people and white children...

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>We wuz da real KANGS, wen da WITEY he still be in dem caves!
>We be bussin, fr fr, but da WITEY him stoled it from us!
Holy shit, I'm in kindergarten again.

Cope Greekuck, your ego is as inflated as your currency...

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Who fucking cares? Nigger mindset.

pyramids are mountains of stones is the only way a mentally retarded person could build something


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Didn't the last cyber attack on israel stop all these shit tier bait threads for a couple days? FFS

No. Sub-saharan genes were not present in Egyptian populations prior to the middle ages.

>We also find significant signatures of sub-Saharan African ancestry that vary substantially among populations. These sub-Saharan ancestries appear to be a recent introduction into North African populations, dating to about 1,200 years ago in southern Morocco and about 750 years ago into Egypt, possibly reflecting the patterns of the trans-Saharan slave trade that occurred during this period.

The Sahara Desert was God's wall to separate niggers and Meds.

/pol tards who regular here and unironically agree with the right-wing reddit circlejerk that they are apparently good because of their skin-tone are really fucking retarded...

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People still don't want to spend their hard earned money to watch niggers play Egyptians on the big screen.

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>You can't say that Egypt wasn't black
watch me

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>B-B-But BLACK CAN'T WRITE!!111!!111!
You are a fucking retard. I am surprised a dumbass like you can write when it seems your entire brain is just a fucking tumour.

The thing about this meme is that the houses the Any Forumstard considers good haven't been used for over a thousand years, African tribes still don't bother with stone masonry or metal (unless they're Shaka, Shaka wuz a kang)

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