The printer as a political tool

>buy printer
>install LibreOffice
>gather your favorite redpills on jews (make it simple, drop names, not too long, not too short) or others
>print a lot
>slide them in mailboxes or stick them on walls on just drop them on the ground
>go back to step 4 next day

People are easier to persuade when they are by themselves with no one to hate or judge in front of them. In fact when they are alone, people often drop their guards and become mentally defensless.
If your papers make sense, are believable, have a nice presentation, are without visible hate and are only facts and names, people might read and might even be conviced.

You only need: printer, gloves, ink, paper.
You don't need to be eloquent, you don't need to have a way with words, you don't need to be good at debating.
You can just fucking print.

This is why I think the printer is the best and most useful political tool for civilians. More than any voting or complaining or debating.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Bump for le based frenchmen

how do you not get jewed when buying these?

Keep in mind that printers can add tracking dots.

Literally this

What are microdots?
Also laser is love, laser is life.

Buy them used, buy them from craigslist.
Buy ink from China. one tenth the price.
Print Info-Stickers and Logo graphics.

Be subversive, be charming.

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Buy generic toner cartridges instead

Should I document my schizo posting in town? Ever since BLM people have been schizo posting and it is awesome.

The concept of free press was originally a literally free press accessible to the public. Gets the noggin joggin' duznt it ?

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You must refill.
1 pint of refill ink $20-$40 will take the place of 50 ink cartridges ($2000+/=)

You have to do your homework and get a printer you can refill. It is harder to find them, but now many companies are making tank printers and these are nearly as good costwise.
HP are right out; their cartridges are chipped with forced expiration dates so a full, good cartridge can expire while its still full and being used in your printer.

My best find out of years of refilling, is Canon pixma models. You just pop the hole in the cartridge and can refill it with a syringe while its still in the machine. Press 'ok' and keep going. Every so often you have to reach in far to the right and blot the waste ink pads with a paper towel to keep it from tripping the waste ink error. And the cartridges will eventually have their contacts fail, so you rarely have to buy a new cartridge in order to keep refilling it.
Older models are best, so find a refurbished.

There are some ink tanks you can get for some printers. I believe Epson is compatible with this system.
But laser is a way better option.

Buy a tank printer or refill the cartridges yourself. I buy 5 liters of chinkshit ink on AliExpress for 30 cad and it works just fine. Make sure to check the forums as some printers are DRM now.

Ink Tank printer master race, reporting in. Bought one of the Epson ones a few years ago and haven't even gone through one whole set of ink bottles


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I get schitzo shit through in my mail all the time, usually from religious organisations or more recently antivaxx. It all goes straight into the trash without reading, your propaganda will suffer the same fate.

Mean. That could be some fellow user's work!

>>slide them in mailboxes
Don't do this it's highly illegal. Do it the goyimtv way and put them in ziplocks with pebbles, rice, beans, etc to weigh it down and throw them into people's driveway. They are doing this the 3rd weekend of every month. Get the flyers here if you want to use theirs

GoyimTV Stickers & Flyers

This. Postal nigger here, the inspection service is probably the last badass police force in the country.

Are you guys retarded? Laser is the way to go. Way faster, and toner lasts forever.

In the history of all political movements the printing press was more important than firearms. You see even today how we can't talk about the jew on most social media. So yea buy a printer for 30$ at a pawn shop and get printing.

My favorite spots are the college campus and the downtown bar scene. This was a good one for valentine's day when couples were all over.

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Post something I can print, I'm too autistic to write in a convincing non-schizo manner

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