3 22

In eight days the world will change forever.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Red Deer, Qanon, Covid Vaccines, etc.

Purim is on 3 16 this year

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Ehat happened to that russian promising rhe world will delight or whatever

>Boogaloo/ham radio larpers, Preppers, Demoralized Christians, etc.

I saved his Pepe most spitefully

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eight more days

CIA false flag incoming.

source or fed

Source is 3/22. It's time to start noticing things.

>sneeds feeds, cucks and bucks882dh

how ya holding up, taiwan?

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Not a big deal. The world changes forever with every passing second.

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Well, seem the west really wants war to cover up their bullshit and the banking class really wants to give the world reasons to want the west to end. And I’m here just trying to play vidya to escape the stress. But yeah, got any whisky that tastes like an old barn smells? No ice I’m trying to ignore WWIII

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my buddy claims he entered 322 into the pinpad on the door to enter the skull n bones clan at Yale and heard a click like the door unlocked. He said he high tailed it out of there instead of going in though. We drove by it once and watched a nigger walk into the building, skull n bones is most likely pozzed now kek.

Half two weeks, right?

These threads are just really gay is all. They prey on the doomer, trashy fantasy of being successful when the world ends because they're successful nowhere else. I'd call it pathetic and cowardly if it weren't ultimately hostile and degenerate.

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>watched a nigger walk into the building
probably the janny

Just like the big solar flare and Russia disconnecting itself from the internet on the 11th right?
Take a hike you geek

Killing yourself?

Didn't you idiots say the same thing about last week Friday?
Did anything happen?

>we haven't reached peak gay

The world changes forever every second.

Or they started the Buckbreaking meme you idiot

Pic related to 3-22

who has the screenshot still of the prediction, i can't see to find it.

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Again? The last time it changed forever was two minutes ago.

It's funny because it was an old wise tail that you never saw anyone go in or out of the building, go figure the first one I see breaking that is a nig.

They've always been pozzed on race.
>Can you tell which of these two skulls is the black man's one!!?
They've never asked me that question, because pretty sure I'd be able to pin point it. I'm willing to bet, they're all white man's skulls anyways, just so they can push their equality nonsense on recently "tapped" newfags.

Who would want to lie inside a coffin while they piss and jizz on you anyways?

5/5 will be the date everything changes

He was from Grindr.

Just like every other prophesied date of significance on this dumbass board. How many times do you think someone has made the same doommongering thread about a specific date, and how many times do you think they’ve been proven right?

>2 weeks to flatten the curve, Putin's done for now, media would never lie, etc.

God will raise up and empower all his children to defeat the Satans.

Death to the New World Order.

This whole month is 3/22, and the "Russian Invasion" is likely down to Skull & Bonesmen or other secret society pedos. We're in the happening right now, it's just not very exciting, lame as hell in fact, yet they will use it to try and change society as they did with Covid 19 and they continuously do with "climate change".

The World changes every day.

Shove your John Edwards-esque tactics up your ass.

"I feel...someone in this thread, who has a connection with the month of April!"

The world changes every day. Every day, something new happens. A new fight. A new unity. A new death. A new birth.

Fuck John Edwards.

>an old wise tail
old wive's tale, retard

>slightly less than two more weeks

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Reminder to ignore and hide any thread with an “official” happening date. They are designed. Nobody truly knows a solid date. Free yourself from the predatory cycles of this board, if you’re like I was circa 2016 then you need to hear this. No solid dates. Playing with the idea/concept is fun but never solid dates.

Success seems like a pretty unstable proposal in the modern age, so I understand the attraction. I would consider myself successful, but that’s just my opinion. I think I could manage longer than most should the boomer bunker larp expansion release. But I’d rather play the 1990’s patch instead. Can’t have that though, the Great Reset addons will ruin the game imho

He had a gay ass Shwinn bicycle I wouldn't doubt it.

Guys I just want aliums. I wanna see an alium.

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the world really did change in 2012 tho

>John Edwards
I highly doubt zoomers even know that name. If they do, they may be thinking of Kerry's running mate and serial liar. Even then, that was 2004, so they probably don't know him either.

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I'm getting my top wisdom teeth out at the ripe age of 30 in an hour.
>I'm a smoker
>Can't smoke for 4 days
This is a real happening my guys

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This again….

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>old wise tale
lmao holy shit, you go to new haven community college not yale right?

Wet gauze and very low pressure drags. Or, ya know, just wait. Dry socket was described to me as one of the worst pains man can experience. Suction is the enemy.

thats my favorite thing about the losers here. they can barely survive in the cushiest time ever and are whiny, friendless, shutin failures, yet somehow will take over the world when conditions get a thousand times harder.

> oh shit the nukes dropped guys, what should we do?
> lets go ask that fat loser down the street who has never had a job and couldnt build a popsicle stick birdhouse to be our supreme leader! hes also got a $200 coin collection so he owns the country now too!

More like tomorrow.

nothing will happen, monke has told me.

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