Why did Judas rat to the Romans while Jesus slept?

Why did Judas rat to the Romans while Jesus slept?

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Your jew book fantasies aren't real.

>Jude as

bc dat nigga's a snitch

His middle name was Jamal. Take a fucking guess.

For silver duh


His own sin, and the will of God as He wrote the story. It's always a paradoxical blending of our own free will and God's soverignty, two sides of a coin we cannot wrap our minds around. God writes the story, but we still are a part of creating it at the same time

"Then Jesus replied, “Have I not chosen you, the Twelve? Yet one of you is a devil!” 71 (He meant Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot, who, though one of the Twelve, was later to betray him.)"
John 6:70-71

That's why Christ came, to die for us as that was the only way to pay for our sins.

Which is why it's STUPID for anyone to turn down this free offer out of eternal hell.

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Beause he helped Jewsus escape his flesh prison.

For money. Then he killed himself because he knew he would be damned for eternity. He’s rotting in hell to this day.

>Be with a bunch of jews
>Predicts that someone will betray him for denaris
Wow must be God

based us

He shouldn't have bothered, that would have totally destroyed the stupid plan.
Where's judas, is he speaking to the romans?
nah he went down the pub with the other disciples.

he jewish

>Why is the sky blue?
>Why is water wet?

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He wanted what most Jews wanted, a messiah who was going to come with fire and establish the Kingdom of God upon earth, placing Jews at the head.
And he followed Jesus around for a few years wondering when the whole thing was gonna start.
Then he saw Jesus curse the fig tree to death and came up with a plan to force Jesus into conflict with the Romans.
He thought Jesus wouldn’t allow himself to be taken, he was wrong.

it's fairytales, op.

Judas was the original SILVER END THE FED poster

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based gfk enjoyer

>Jus d'ass

I like the Terminator timeline where he kills Judas, to save Jesus, but Jesus raises him from the dead and the T2000 kills him again, Jesus exasperated, tells the Terminator it was pre-ordained for Judas would betray him... which would only make sense assuming the Romans wanted Josephus to write in the jews were the bad guys when he wrote the New Testament.


is that how jews sleep?

But his betrayal was what helped Jesus save all of humanity through His death. Also, Jesus predicted and thus made it become reality, like a self fulfilling prophecy.

The original shabbos goy, took the sons of Esau Edomite Canaanite money that funded international jewry

Was a White man tricked by his Jewish half-bro