It turns out that none of the Ukranian "students" speaks Ukrainian or English.
What language do i need to learn to study in Ukraine ? Hebrew ?
archive. ph/ac19A

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They are from France's colonies so they probably mumble some french.

>They are from France's colonies so they probably mumble some french.
Thats just pure speculation as many of them "lost" their passport in the process of escaping from Ukraine. Also many Arabs are among these poor Refugees.
Lets put it this way.
EU borders are open now for everybody.
Heritage doesnt matter just like it doesnt matter if they are vaxxed or not.

dont you see what niggers have done here?



Fucking niggers! Niggers everywhere! Death to the niggers!

Here's your Ukrainian refugees bro

Of course, any global conflict is good cover for mobs of niggers in shitty blankets to spawn from the offices of NGOs. Never let a crisis go to waste.

>What language do i need to learn to study in Ukraine ?
Now, Russian

>Here's your Ukrainian refugees bro
Yeah what a twist
I was awaiting a lot of cheap ukrainian whores instead we get Niggers and Arabs with dicks from Ukraine.

>Of course, any global conflict is good cover for mobs of niggers in shitty blankets to spawn from the offices of NGOs. Never let a crisis go to waste.
Basically this.
Also lets not forget that the 2 main countries which are flooded now with these unmarked rats are Poland and Hungary.
Exactly the 2 countries which were pssing off Globohomo for refusing to take in Syrians and Niggers in the 2015 "crisis".
Soros must have a permanent boner for weeks now


Show your Israel flag or don't post.

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yeah? we have niggers here. niggers are awful. niggers ruin everything.

fuck you faggot

Leafs post are good for bump cum

You made this thread already and called me dummy

>Erste Flüchtlinge in Garmisch-Partenkirchen angekommen - Hotel will nur Ukrainer aufnehmen
First "refugees" arrived in GaPa (Bavarian Alpine ski resort town) - some hotel will only/only wants to host them (Ukrainians)

picture caption:
>Zwei Busse mit 100 Flüchtlingen aus der Ukraine sind am Mittwoch im Garmisch-Partenkirchner Atlas-Sporthotel angekommen. Ein großer Teil davon sind wohl Studenten aus Afrika und Asien.
Two busses with 100 refugees from Ukraine arrived at Atlas "Sporthotel" (weird European thing, basically a cheap tourist hotel, sometimes ski-related, afaik). A large part are probably students from Africa and Asia.

lol, some "Ukrainians"

>Es ist kurz vor Mittag. Reges Treiben herrscht im Foyer des Atlas Sporthotels an der Mittenwalder Straße in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Hans Steinbrecher, Leiter des Rettungsdienstes im BRK-Kreisverband, weist seine Mitarbeiter ein. Zwei Tische stehen parat. Auf ihnen Corona-Tests, Desinfektionsmittel, Schreibzeug. Im Frühstücksraum haben sich mehrere Caritas-Mitarbeiterinnen versammelt.

Describing the scene as they arrive... some Corona bullshit, employees from the turbokike NGO Caritas are there

blah blah blah
>Und gerade Mal eine kleine Traube an Menschen mit ukrainischer Staatsbürgerschaft.
only a few have actual Ukrainian citizenship lol

okay here we go
>Der Rest sind Männer aus Afrika und Asien.
literally "The remainder are men of Afrika and Asia"
HAHAHAHA wew lad
>Es sollen schließlich nur Kriegsflüchtlinge oder zumindest jene mit „Ukraine-Bezug“ ein Zimmer bekommen, um illegale Migration zu unterbinden.
LOL yeah I'm sure stopping illegal migration is on anyone's mind
>da sie weder ukrainisch noch russisch sprechen
they speak neither Ukrainian nor Russian... LOL honk honk

They study in Russian if from CIS or English if from elsewhere.

Thx Fren.
I was assuming people here can translate for themselfs.
So yeah thats the situation.
The media who told us for 3 weeks now that all these third world people are students just lied as they always do.

>They study in Russian if from CIS or English if from elsewhere.
Fuck off Ukronigger.
In the article it is mentioned that they dont speak russian aswell.

>However, communication is difficult as they do not speak either Ukrainian or Russian. "You're probably studying in English," speculates a Caritas employee. But even then, communication is very difficult.

Is there any Ukranian who doesnt lie?

Fuck you Turkroach.
Stop shitting in Euro breads