NATO's against it

>NATO's against it
>China's against it
>even India is abstaining from support

Can anyone explain this to me? What are Putin's interests here?

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literally the entire world is against it or somewhat against it.

to be clear, I think this means there may be something noble to Putin's actions.

how come macron seems to be the only leader who putin meets with?

let me help you understand it better:
putin = voldemort
zelensky = harry potter
nato = the avengers

so much this

Not my problem fuck nigga, the only thing I support is real America

this, but unironically

Brainlet boomer invaded Ukraine after brailet boomer FSB directors told him that Ukraine loves Russia.

Why is monke man so fond of obnoxiously long tables?

Probably because Macron seems like the only sane leader left in the west. The rest are either senile, insane, faggots or 'strong female characters'.

Macron have a huge experience in communicating with old people.


It was never about NATO its about the 100 year anniversary of the founding of the USSR coming up in december.

Fucking kek
Good bants ruskie vpn


you are literally a small child.

He unironically wants to restore russian glory from Soviet times

france controls its own nuclear arsenal
the rest of nato is just in it for the ride, no questions asked

China's against it according to NATO*
even India is abstaining from support according to NATO

Bigger table, more banan

Would you want to sit next to Macron?

his interests in him maintaining his power
Ukraine threatened Russias monopoly on gas exports to Europe, since in 2010s they found gas deposits in their waters and in Donbass, as well as near Lwow.
Selling gas to Europe is the only thing that keeps Putin in power, so he is not losing that. He would rather sacrifice all of the Russian economy than his gas pipe. Military is also paid by the gas pipe.

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This, but unironically.

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>Why is monke man so fond of obnoxiously long tables?

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Macron wants to cement himself as the new EU leader now that Merkel is out


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the table is that long because he doesnt want to catch gay from them. people might be against it but its better safe than sorry

ukraine has no gas. fake news

Pls add the Great Leader of Best Korea. He always honors us with his presence.

Dementia usually sets in around a decade after a parkinsons disease diagnosis. They'll also suffer a severe decline in reasoning ability and problem-solving which if true would mean Putin is heavily reliant on his staff doing a lot of the mental heavy lifting for him so that it boils down to a couple or a handful of choices. Even when parkinsons is medicated with something like levodopa you can have severe bouts of confusion, paranoia, audio and visual hallucinations and in some extreme cases phantom memories caused by a combination of the confusion, paranoia, dementia and cognitive decline meaning you imagine entire conversations with people you've not spoken to or completely different outcomes and meanings to stressful conversations. Thats just a theory being thrown around about 10 ago to explain his hand tremors and noticeable change in gait (walking pattern).

Putin has allegedly fired most of his generals and a lot of his staff, either for outright incompetence (yes men) or he's making unreasonable impossible demands of them.

>>even India is abstaining from support
also China wants to know bout those biolabs
let's face it, reddit has been utterly destroyed

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Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands have a joint-sharing program whereas France is fully independent.
They've been bulking up their arsenal and expanding their soft power for years all while LARPing as "l'diplomate" during media pony shows.

They want to see further power as a third-way buffer between EU members and non-aligned global powers/third world countries they can force their currency and subsidized labour onto (i.e. current West Africa).

Ukraine is second only behind Russia in gas deposits lol
Russia literally seized all Shell oil/gas platforms when it took Crimea

Unironically this. NATO supporters are true chads.

>or he's making unreasonable impossible demands of them.
now I wish that Steve Jobs had political instead of technological aspirations
that dude could lead like a motherfucker, pull off the impossible even when every single person around him was saying no
instead he used it to make fucking touch screen telephones that ruined the internet and then the world forever

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He wants restoration of Russian imperial power and is motivated by 19th century romantic nationalist crap

>something noble
I didn't know obliterated cities, torn-apart families and mountains of corpses count as "noble" these days.


underrated post

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Brainwashed retard.


KEK for the sarcasm

Kys back to plebbit

Holy shit reddit trannies are out in full force these days!

they lost their support by shitting the bed so fucking hard
China was neutral at the beginning, and only turned against Russia when they turned the entire operation into a fucking circus

>literally whooping someone's ass
>taking your sweet ass time doing it
>"nooo you can't do this we'll sanction you ;_;;;;;"
>sanctions do nothing
>the one being asswhooped wants to negotiate

if americans are involved, its always about the oil/gas. They decided to liberate Ukraine (previously a country of which existance they weren't even aware of) exclusively for the reason of finding oil and gas there.
And Russia invaded for the exact same reason.

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Simply amazing.

China is still neutral, retard.

From a 4th dimensional 3rd world point of view Russia views Ukraine as Russian soil. Munitions have expiry dates; the samurai becomes weak without conflict.

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