If abortion is wrong then doesn't that make gay sex the less immoral recreational sex choice?

If abortion is wrong then doesn't that make gay sex the less immoral recreational sex choice?

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Poop sex is for jews.


Our purpose is to reproduce to continue the existence of our species, that's the natural thing to do

Abortion goes against that by killing unborn children

Homosexuals go against that because they can't reproduce

No. Anal fuck is an act of violence not sex.

>literal faggot
Jew. Sage

The Bible says that gay sex is an abomination and anyone who partakes in it should be put to death. So no, I don't think recreational gay sex is less moral than straight sex.

Is it really so difficult to just not treat sex as recreation?

But many straight people have some degree of bisexuality in them and most sex is recreational, so wouldn't more gay sex = less abortions be a good thing?

Kill yourself bioterrorist.

Yes, people are horny.

Isn't the bible also against infanticide?

Go for it. Go stick your dick in a guy's hairly asshole. You know you want to. Gay nigger

Holy fuck, you people are so fucking degenerate and the world unironically would be a better place without degeneracy advocating faggots.

When no-one else can understand me
When everything I do is wrong
You give me love and consolation
You give me hope to carry on
And you're always there to lend a hand
In everything I do
That's the wonder
The wonder of you
And when you smile the world is brighter
You touch my hand and I'm a king
Your love to me is worth a fortune
Your love for me is everything
I guess I'll never know the reason why
You love me as you do
That's the wonder
The wonder of you
I guess I'll never know the reason why
You love me as you do
That's the wonder
The wonder of you

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Homosexual behavior comes from childhood trauma/abuse. See a counselor, find God, stay away from kids, and we’re cool. Anything other than this talking point is a waste of time, no one cares about what gays think about sex.

Both are abominations sinner. How long will you burn in your lust towards men? Your lascivious behaviour is dooming you to hellfire. Your sin is destroying the life you could live here and the life you could have in heaven. When will you repent (CHANGE YOUR MIND) of your sin and believe in the restorative grace of God he pours out on those who love him?


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But aren't abortions also degenerate? Gay sex seems rather tame in comparison.

Reject modernity, embrace tradition:
Girls are for babies, boys are for fun.

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better gay sex than abortion. At least it is pleasant to the prostate and you can see the penis in "chocolate". Abortion is an infernal murder, where the souls of murdered children are doomed to live their allotted time, they do not go to heaven. Only when the mother dies. I participated in a magical ritual to calm such a soul...It is necessary to give such a soul a name instead of a mother...They are alive and wandering....It would be better if whores killed their children after birth than before... My whole soul turned inside out, this...very gloomy...This sin has a huge price...God's plan for this person is lost and the chain of probabilities is rebuilt in a much worse way for the whole society

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That's the drive to breed
Sterile fucking is like fake food; no matter how much you eat, you're still not getting what you need out of it

So in your mind the only options are gay or abort?
You're a retard user.

you can do whatever the fuck you want. Just don't go on be an insufferable cunt. I have 0 patience for gays/faggots/lgbt troons. I will gut you if you do Jesus willing. Also abortion should be illegal for non felon whites.

Recreational sex is immoral.
Being a sodomite is immoral and gross.

The purpose of sex is the end result which are babies. That is goal. Anything that deviates from that is degeneracy. Go on do your gay orgies or whatever just don't groom children or adopt kids. You can't go on tv fucking each other in the streets.

I didn't say that, I only suggested that more people engaging in gay sex would lead to less abortions since unwanted pregnancies are still a major problem despite the invention of the condom and birth control.

Yes, if abortion is the only thing that is wrong in the world. It is no longer true if there are other measures of wrongness than chance of leading to abortion. Because homosexuality can score higher on overall wrongness than fornication. And it turns out that that is exactly the case, especially following religious condemnation of abortion. The same Bible says that homosexuality is caused by rejecting God, and is therefore inherently wrong.

Touching kids is how they reproduce, see my comment above. They’re dangerous and degenerate, and their entire culture revolves around buttfucking. That’s all they have, nothing else about them is redeeming in any way.

>The purpose of sex is the end result which are babies. That is goal. Anything that deviates from that is degeneracy.
So you were a virgin until you decided to become a father? That's all well and good, but most people want to have sex just for the sake of it and it would be naive to believe otherwise.

I agree that their main purpose in life is always revolves around sex. Its like if my life revolved around eating or sleeping. It is the most shallow meaningless thing to live for. God I would kill my self so fast if I were to worship sex.