Realistically, given the economic pressure on Russia how much longer can they keep this war going?

Realistically, given the economic pressure on Russia how much longer can they keep this war going?

Attached: 23Albright1-mobileMasterAt3x-v2.jpg (1800x1800, 449.53K)

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forever you fucking retard

they're russians, the group that won ww2 and survived a hellish 20th century. theyre not western weak pussies like you

eat a dick

2 more weeks.

2 weeks, tops

they've already wasted almost half of their war fund

I would say about a month

much much longer than the USA and western ppl will survive the fallout of the sanctions

A lot.
Serbia was under sanctions for nearly 10 years and it waged war all the time with no problems until NATO actually bombed us and destroyed all infrastructure.
Russia has a much bigger industry and much more powerful allies than we had and could live under sanctions forever, even more so that they are prepared.
Inb4 serb guzzling russian cum
I'm neutral on this conflict

Russia has nothing to lose.
Their history can be summed up with, "and then it got worse..." How can you defeat a people who historically had nothing?
The fact everyone else is toeing the line about ww3 shows how much they have to lose.

not for long, once the batteries in their walky talkies run out theyre fucked


>economic pressure
hol up cant they just trade through us? old soviet trick was to just trade through india..

thats what i said 10 million dead soldiers in ww2 and it ended with them raping anything with a hole in germany but yea the reddit army will show em

The myth of the hard Russian is the same as the myth of the great Russian army.
Russians believe it.
Russians spread it.
It's nothing more then a myth.

you will drink your daily red army vodka ration and be happy

It's true for all slavs. We are used to being shitted on historically and hard times are almost all we know

user the communist revolution happened because there was limit the Russian people could take.

I give them 7 days before they fold
Screencap this

the penultimate of the sanctions exposA grandA appear to be
>"we're taking your boats and no more caviar imports"
like... sheeeeeeeeeeet
versus.... new superbloc formation via BRICS

Sanctions effects are only going to kick in within 1-3 years, it's not something that felt immediately.

Attached: 16472682368470s.jpg (123x220, 4.49K)

Not gonna have a revolution in a world/regional power with all the tools state has today.

Russia is making more money from oil sales now then before.

>Biden sanctions Russian oil
>Oil shoots up to over $130/barrel
>Russia sells the same amount of oil, just to other countries and at record prices

Biden is a fucking retard -

Attached: PutinHandSlam.webm (1280x720, 2.83M)

what the fuck do you mean lol

what choice do they have? go home and exist with the new sanctions? world war 3 started with sanctions there is no de-escalation happening.

3-6 months max at current rates
the USSR suffered severely wtf are you talking about? All those guys fucking died and their T34s were horribly made.

Attached: 7C89305C-FAB2-4842-8C3A-B024A556600B.jpg (1024x576, 36.42K)

Russia won 80% of its wars, and when they lose they comeback and wreck shit.

forever. putin has 3 options. 1. suicide 2. lose the war and his wealth and may be freedom 3. win the war at any cost.
what would you choose if you were russian dictator? remember qaddafi, hussein and assad. never negotiate with the west

If he was in any danger of that it would have happened long ago.

I can't buy food, because the rubles are a worthless piece of paper in Crimea now. May the ground be the poo for this imbecile imperialistic ape.