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If you don't marry her and release the world from the tyrannical rule of the old gods, you are a cuck.

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sounds like a metaphor for racemixing to stick it to daddy

Best waifu of recent years

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Go on, explain how she is a nazi, otherwise i kill this bitch

She's not a nazi. She's something better. She's your waifu.

I don't need to explain anything.

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Notice me senpai~
I blame the wolf heart, you literally have to kill for these dumb sluts.

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I honestly have no idea what you're trying to say here.

>The first moment i saw her, standing on that brick wall in the old Cathedral.
It was a queit night, i felt the tranquility around. Distant animal noises, a fire crackling nearby. The strange shady dude dressed like that person that can't fit in the chimney, but somehow goes trough it - don't remember his name, but sure he was from another universe somewhere.

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I was honestly with team Melina at first but then I saw the Frenzied Flame ending where she wants to kill us. Renna on the other hand married us. Now I'm team blue again.

Haven't finished the game, i don't even move my eyes on your comment.

if you didnt use the lone wolf ashes she gave you for the whole playthrough you dont even truly love her

I am using the wolves, sure. And the jelly so far. I want to give a try to the others and probably will put some faith stats on my str char.

I did use those a few times do they stay good enough to upgrade and use through the whole game? I heard the mimic ones are stupid broken but will probably get nerfed I'm wondering what to save those grave flowers for

There is a bell item to give to twin maiden for graveworth flowers for unlimited purchase, so don't hesitate to upgrade whatever you like. You don't need the top in the line, because it can break the gameplay elements sometimes.

It seems flip's internet connection hasn't been restored for at least 10 weeks

Lost 120 hours last night.

Back up your saves lads.

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Damn. Poor flips. No wonder they want our money.

How did this happen? Also in't it saved to the cloud? Also try a soulution, there may be a way to repair it.

Also try and send the save file to a friend and make him try to load it, also try to look for the last modified file in the save dir, it may be a non-essential to the whole save game and take it from another char's save di.r

>acts like a cunt
>surrounds herself with cunts
>strings a bunch of simps along, ditches them all before the end
>cons you into doing all her dirty work
>cons you into killing most of her simps or doing things that get them killed
>has a one-sided sexual relationship with her dog
>had to be saved by Mute Protagonist and the Simp Squad when a man who literally no longer has a brain accidentally kidnapped her by virtue of being unfathomably more powerful than she could ever hope to be
>says she's going to free the world, but then plunges it into an age of terror with a tyranny of darkness and bad decision making female moments
>says she's opposed to all gods on principle, but cons you into turning her into one
>tries to be the best waifu; fails
>tries to be the edgy freedom option; fails
>tries to convince you she's the best choice; she isn't
>tries to convince you she could rule better than you could; she can't
>tries to convince herself that she's important; she only matters if she tricks a stronger male into giving her everything she wants
Literally the reddit option, gas yourself subhuman. People who actually want to save the world from tyranny either burn the tree down or side with Dungeater and destroy all immortality forever. Anyone who isn't opposed to theocratic absolute monarchy would go True Order and crown themselves the God King instead of handing the keys off to a delusional roastie who tried to have sex with her dog-man and got accidentally kidnapped by the corpse of somebody a thousand times more powerful and interesting than she could ever be.

Goddesses obsess over abandoned eternal cities buried under the earth. Gods build eternal cities and disregard cunts.

Even in fantasy wonderland, simps are still the cause of all problems. I wouldn't fuck your gay blue tsundere doll with somebody else's Treespear, but if I did, I'd take what I wanted as the God King, and not try and buy her pussy by giving her the keys to creation. Fucking simps.

Fugg that mimic meta ftw

Dunno, was fine. I went to make dinner so saved and quit. Came back and it said this.

I've tried anything and everything to fix it

I hated all of those fucker semigods. She was not an exception. At the begin I was just there, exploring and trying to live it peacefully, but right now my aim is to eradicate all of them and possibly impose my golden order above all the other fuckers.

Also the Two Fingers are creepy.

my liege, you dropped this

Literally every other option will still make you subservient to an old god. Only with Renna can we have true freedom.

Remember Tonga? Yeah, their internet connection has been restored in no less than 4 weeks (on main island). And they straight outright looking for additional underwater cable supply to fully restore their connectivity. Flip, on the other hand... I'm disappointed, it's not even 7 days ago when a random flip complained about their shitty electricity grid/internet connection

Ranni, you are a traitorous bitch who should’ve taken better care of her mom!


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Fuck. I meant Ranni.