I'm starting to like Elon more and more every day



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That's because you're retarded, like everyone else on this dumb fucking board

Attached: wehjwsgadfjhgxdkjhfgkjsdhgfkyjh.jpg (2206x1240, 509K)

> Said the retard

Say something nice to him, now while you have the chance.

He stated recently that he is a free speech absolutist. Admirable if true, despite any other shit.

And you come here every day to argue with them and get mad.

Fucking loser.

all of you are dumber than any nigger I've ever met

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Autistic are good at pattern recognition and logical thinking, he probably browses Any Forums

elon is a kike and perpetuates the ball earth psyops

Attached: hahahadidntread.gif (265x244, 1.46M)

>sends Starlink on Ukrainian command
>makes fun of NPCs supporting Ukraine
what's his end game?

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`Hi! Billy Mays here for OxiClean, the stain specialist, powered by the air you breathe, activated by the water that you and I drink. It’s Mother Nature-approved and it’s safe on your colored fabrics. Use it on carpets. OxiClean seeks out organic stains, pet stains, food stains. it gets down into the matting, into the padding. It even takes red wine and grape juice out of white carpeting. It cleans, it brightens, it eliminates odors all at the same time. Don’t just get it clean, get it OxiClean. Make a paste. Make it 10 times as powerful! The longer you let it set, the easier it is. It will whiten your grout and get rid of your toughest stains. Sometimes soaking is the solution. If you use bleach, you’ll ruin your clothes! OxiClean won’t hurt the material -- even lace! It has the power of bleach without the damaging side effects of chlorine. When your laundry detergent just isn’t enough, super charge it with OxiClean. One scoop in every load of laundry, it will make your whites whiter. It will make your brights brighter. As a stain remover, it’s the best! Grass stains, clay stains. Long live your laundry! OxiClean, the stain specialist. We sold millions of our two-and-half-pound tubs for $40. But if you call now, we’ll cut the price in half, only $19.95. You’ll also receive the Squirt Bottle and the Super Shammy absolutely free. If you call during this show, you’ll receive a bottle of our world-famous Orange Clean made with pure orange oil. It cuts through the grease and the grime whether it’s baked on in the oven or caked on the stove. You get all this for just $19.95. But call in the next 20 minutes, and we’ll super size your OxiClean from a two-and-a-half pound tub to a whopping six-pounds! But ya gotta call now. Here's how to order.; $19.95 PLUS $6.95 S&H SEND CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO: OXI CLEAN DEP. 1041 DENVER, CO 80263-1041 (please allow 28 days for dilivery)

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Clean it up

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Sucking off Jews for money while pretending to "call out" the Jews. It works because the niggers and homos that follow him are impressed with useless garbage bought on credit and sassy clapbacks.

I hate every one of you dumb fucking tard.

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Hi there,
it's me Elon.

Too soon user.

get chipped in the brain, you deserve it.

He’s just copeposting cause his bitch left him for a trannyfaggot.

based retard

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Always nice to see a fellow ass burger shitpost thanks OP

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