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Sewage water

Where’s my boy Arnold Palmer

Literally 3 cents worth of sugar and water.

It's never been worth a dollar. Simple as.

no one suggested you buy it. Point being the price has remained the same basically since it’s inception. Make it make sense.

Yeah but it's made in a third world state now, New Jersey. Read the can.

Raspberry is the best.

probably costs like 4 cents to make

Because the production costs are probably around 20 cents or even lower (for the can and it’s contents) then it’s just shipping which isn’t that much, then just mark it up and rake profits. Volume is what you want. It’s partly the same story with apple products. Do you honestly think a iphone is worth $1500? Production is probably 200-300. Same with expensive cars. Fucking retards buying a hunk of metal that’s probably only worth 80-100k and paying upwards of a million for them. Absolute dolts.

still just 39 cents

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He did explain it

This is what I thought when I was a teenager, then you realise there are more costs than just production and shipping. Guarantee when all their costs are subtracted the margins are more like 5%

Aye I live there

shhh, you're gonna trigger the car guys. they're a bunch of snowflakes.

Iced tea cost maybe 5 cents to produce + 5 cents for the can and 5 cents for the label. (15 c)

Its because they skipped advertising dumbass. Takes 5 seconds to look it up

Went from 24 to 23 fl oz

Do people still drink sugary goy liquid?
I stopped years ago

It's literally just water with cheap flavoring and HFCS. The can probably costs more than what's actually put into it.

It's literally the main reason people still buy it. Savant marketing scheme.

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Just about 3 quid for these not too bad

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It's hard to beat the price, quantity, and quality of Arizona

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oh no no NO NO

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muttbros... did we get too cocky?

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Don’t know why this hurt me so much coming from Britain even though I know you guys hate us

It's literally just tea and sugar. You can make 20 gallons of stuff that tastes exactly the same for like 5 bucks.

Fuck you nigger, Arizona everything is fantastic. You just suck because you’re a eurofaggot

Bruh Arnold palmers are the best, I pick up a case from the supermarket every once in a while. They go great with cheezits

Good God that drink is sooooo good, FUCK I want a ice tea can RN

This is stupid because of course the people running the company are gonna reinvest most of the profit back into the company. What else are they gonna do with it, just hold it? Invest in someone else's business?
Most of those extra costs could be shaved off at the expense of company growth.