Just realized my family is taking in Ukrainian refugees

I am still at home (34 yr old). Should I be scared?

Attached: DesertedShyAsiaticlesserfreshwaterclam-max-1mb.gif (280x158, 855.42K)

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Men ages 18-60 are banned from leaving the country so you'll probably get some QT 52 year old babushka

I’m trying to convince mine to take some in on the off chance there are like 3 nymphomaniac daughters between 16 and 21.

31, live alone in a detached 4 bed house. Thinking about taking some in myself, they could maybe help out on the homestead?

Fix your shit OP, it's pathetic.

Don't they let jewish guys out?


Is there a way to find out who youbwill get ? In the end its only ngubu from ukraine for you nigel

Chances are you will get a man.

Jewish men are allowed to leave twitter.com/LongJohnGold4/status/1501474796730732550

Is your house in whitehawk? Whats your mortgage like? 5 percent your equity?

I don't think so, probably ngubu for me
I live in the south east. I pay a little over £2000 a month for a 45 year mortgage at 3% (big deposit).

tell your parents that you're uncomfortable with males that don't speak your language
acquire 40yr old ukraine maid

Are you in the basement or the attic ? Either way, stay there and don't come out.

Sad how retarded your folks are. They want to virtue signal that fucking bad. Sucks to be you.

So you are paying over 1 million with an already 'large' deposit? Is this like a 1.5mill house?

No basement and the attic is derelict. Am in a room sir.

You can pimp her on the streets for five quid blowjobs.

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Yes, 4 bed detached in south east england user. I mean, less than a good townhouse in Fulham but still not cheap.

That's ridiculous. How can you even get a 45 year mortgage? I was barely able to get a 25yr for more than 1/4 of my yearly income

Did you make fat stacks with crypto?

Curious what part of the UK. In Brighton you would have an epic house, in Eastbourne you would have a colossal mansion.

Mortgage broker. Turns out the 4.5x rule isn't hard and fast, banks can give more but I think only to 25% of applicants? Anyway, the point is the rules are different if you hit certain earning threshholds and they think you're capable of repaying. You do need a broker though, banks won't talk to you otherwise.

Just a FAANG dev that transferred to management recently. I'm in the Kent downs. It's a reasonably big house but not ridiculous, i own the land around me is the main thing that drives up the price.

Happy for you, God speed!

You gotta sabotage these fewls though! Heheh, half joking.

'What does FAANG stand for?
So, FAANG stands for the five largest American companies, which are highly demanded on stock exchanges and are attractive to investors from all over the world. These companies are: Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google.'

Of course they didn't make the men must stay rule until approx. 12 hours after the jewish "men" left for Israel.

BTW, all fag guys should head over there and volunteer I hear it's raining men.

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You're gonna get dressed down by people escaping a warzone for being a 34 year old neet.

Red pill them

Yo Thanks dog for saving my ass, you is a real g

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>You're gonna get dressed down by people escaping a warzone

They are going to molest me?

shieeett niggas yall leaving me behind? i thoug we wuz braddas n shiet

Attached: wewuzslavnshiet.jpg (750x750, 78.53K)

banderas* and shit