I am a “kike” as you pricks like to say. Why hate all the Jews...

I am a “kike” as you pricks like to say. Why hate all the Jews? Are the ones who don’t do anything wrong oppressors or bad? Stop this anti Semitic bullshit. Honestly.

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stop being a kike and there will be no antisemitism

I don't hate all Jews. I hate Hollywood Jews, government Jews, and media Jews

How does that work stupid

so you've never tried it?

We see right through you

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Semitic land isn't even something I think about. It's miles away and dry as fuck. Why be antisemitic?

I may be a manlet but at least I'm taller than Hitler even if slightly.

Pious jews aren't the problem.
Godless kikes are.
A jew would know the difference, a kike wouldn't.
Pious jews are the poor bastards the Godless kikes throw to the mob when the mob gets wise to kike bullshit.

Umm, die? Yeah just die please.

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Your future Jew.

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huh same height


just how many kikes are in the world holy shit

I think it's more of a meme than anything. I atleast of I hope. Either way, I don't hate jews, if that answers your question.

You jew apologists are fucking pathetic.

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Tell us, who are the only gods chosen people according to jews, the self discribed master race?

hope you and all of your loved ones die in a fire

Jew OP followed by several apologists. Give me a fucking break.

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Cringe and very blue pilled, hive mind denialismhporw

Simple jewboy here , i unironically believe the orthodox jews actually said this (they are even hated among normal israeli people)

>Why hate all the Jews?
Why? Its simply a matter of statistical averages.
You see, if you believe something that makes your life better or easier only 51% of the time, you will come out ahead if you stick to that belief. This is the trap people fall into when it comes to generalizations; of course they arent always true, but they dont have to be true each and every single time. They just have to be true most of the time (51% or higher) to result in a better average result for you.

Jews are clannish racial and cultural supremacists who were raised to believe all other people on the planet were born to either serve them or be exploited by them. Why should I care about your crocodile tears telling me that "you're different," or your gaslighting trying to tell me that I am wrong? The word of a Jew is worth nothing, because they dont even believe they are interacting with fellow humam beings. Why should I risk being deceived and exploited by your kind just to heap undeserved trust upon someone with such a background?

I hate all Jews because I know how they view me, so I am ever on guard for their tricks and hostile to their influence, because most of the time, they will seek to exploit me. I dont need to be correct all of the time for this to be a useful and beneficial belief, only most of the time. Simple as.

He was 1.80 tho

Regular jews are bad because you're being propagandized by your elites harder than anyone else, and your congenital lack of self-reflection ensures you'll never acknowledge it

So the thing is... basically?
I'm gonna eradicate them. (The kikes!)
I know... UGH, right? I know....
And I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But I'm just gonna ritually strangulate every yid child, is all.

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Support open borders for isreal

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I have you becuase of Metzitzah b'peh.

I've kicked so many of your brothers in the head as they crawled on their hands and knees, thinking of filthy Old men performing Metzitzah b'peh while parents watch and clap, I've never felt sorry when you cunts move spastic after a proper kick lands.

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Never. It is ours. Where would we go

>I am a “kike” as you pricks like to say.
You mean khazar?

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Back to hell.

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I'm a baptized protestant who's been through confirmation...

and you're someone's golem. essentially a nigger.

You are beyond redemption. A painful death is the least you deserve,

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You're like a skin cancer out of the rest of the cancers. Sure you have life, sure you may not be as bad as some other cancers.
But you ARE a cancer. You are a drain on the healthy system, in the end, only one response is recognized.

You should've stopped when you had the chance.

I am a “prick" as you kikes like to say. Why hate all the Whites? Are the ones who don’t do anything wrong oppressors or bad? Stop this anti White bullshit. Honestly.