Why is American society so fat? I myself am overweight. I plan to walk several miles a day...

Why is American society so fat? I myself am overweight. I plan to walk several miles a day, hit the gym a few times a week, and eat DEENZ almost every single day.

What are the political implications of not being a fat fuck like 90% of America?

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chronic stress plus sedentary plus bad food

perdy good not being fat

Corporations put sugar in everything and the told everyone any fat was the worst thing for decades.

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They do it because the people want it dumbass. It's always top down with you morons

government subsidizes corn for ethanol to lower gas prices, subsidy corn turns into sugar syrup

>eat DEENZ
...don't forget yer BEENZ and GREENZ, user.

American saying he's "overweight". Translation:

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The obese are a plague worse than blacks and Jews. Peak niggercattle slaves.

Fat fucks cope harder. There are people eating the same shit as you and are normal sized, what you call "thin". You are a weak-willed piece of shit who can't stop stuffing his maw. That's the reason you're a fucking disgusting tub of lard.

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Literally every piece of food you eat is processed to shit. It doesn't help that people have been less inclined to stay active to entertain themselves ever since TVs made their way into every home.

OM NOM NOM NOM chronic stress NOM NOM sedentary MMMNH NOM OM NOM food, yeaa NOM NOM bad

I would say kill yourself but you're doing it already and looking like shit in the process.

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Did you ever eat an apple? Bet not you fucking mayo monster fatty. You hamplanets disgust me.

i cant believe how many times the average yank eats out, also food there is full of so much shit, why cant you eat normal man wtf? small portions are gigantic. and why the fuck does nobody walk?

You're going to be reading a lot of fatty cope in this thread.

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I run a farm, I get more than enough activity to stay fit.

cant walk, either you're in a city breathe smog and get hit by cars or the nearest place to walk to is a thousand miles away

Because they are sugar addicts who haven't seen their penis since middle school.

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Then you can eat unprocessed food AND cook it yourself. You have zero excuse to be a fat fuck.

Its very simple you figure out how many calories a day you can eat with the current amount of calories you burn and you stay negative.

Thats it. Simple addition and subtraction.

Never take advice from fat people they lack self control or are simply ignorant. Never take advice or work with fat health care workers even worse ignorance on display.

But muhhhh mOOO tab U lism BUt MuH ThIgHroId!!!!!!

No shit, you autist.

>I'm fat not because I eat 5000 calories a day. It's the smog.

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Then stop making excuses for these lard asses.

Walking to lose weight is fucking retarded.

More muscle mass, which is only possible to gain in a deficit as a beginner, and diet is the only thing that matters.

Any form of workout burns hardly any calories. The effects of recovery from progressive strength training do.

not denying fat people do it to themselves but euros just don't understand how big and megacity-concentrated the US is

I'm not, ESL. I'm telling them they eat shitty, processed foods and do nothing to work off the fat. Simple answer to a simple question.

They have to be morons if they can't realize they're eating too many calories. Eat less, move more. You don't need to complicate it with explaining CICO, apps, diets, exercise tips, etc. JUST EAT FUCKING LESS

And you're skinny weak-as-fuck bread eating German faggot. That thinks riding a bike to work is "fitness".

It's good to know there are no megacities in, eg Japan. So many fat people.

So you think being a fat fuck is "strong"? Cope harder.

Just get strong man and try to stop eating so much garbage if that's your thing. Some dudes are just big bear-like beasts so keep that in mind. Stop eating and drinking sugar and corn syrup crap if that's your thing. Drink more green tea and lemon juice etc to suppress your appetite and just ease into exercising. Of I can do it bro, you can too, believe me. Eye on the prize buddy. You can manifest anything. You aren't a fat fuck piece of shit. You're a GOD. Stay positive about your self image.

They can eat processed foods and be normal sized. They are eating too much, regardless of movement. Exercise is just for health benifits and strength, not weight loss. That is controlled by diet.

japan is one megacity and desu their diet is worse than USA's they just seem to die off instead.

No. I think squatting over 500, pulling over 600, and ohp bodyweight is strong. My bodyfat is sub 20% retard.

Why are anarchists such retarded faggots?

>big bear-like beast

aka "fat". You can be strong without being a fat turd. Nice reddit post.

This. Hell yeah

Yea, they are way unhealthier than Amerilards.

Often they can't, sugar is an addictive substance. It's like telling a heroin addict to just stop taking heroin. They need to clear that shit out of their system and avoid it like the plague, which is very hard to do in america especially because most of the food you buy is loaded with it by design, and they are not told or have any desire to find out.

Their reptilian brains taste that shit and tell them to eat more of it, and they just do it.

Wow, thanks for the stats, man. You wanna fuck in the locker room after?

they do exercise

Whatever man. Try to keep it positive. You don't have to be an asshole to post here. I've been here since you were shitting in diapers. Work towards making this a fren zone, not a toxic wasteland. We owe it to each other.

I agree with you 100%. Fatties need to stop the cope and admit what you just wrote instead of talking about "smog"and "megacities".

Germans can't afford to get fat with those natural gas prices kek

Midwit take. Human biology is complex, we aren’t simple thermodynamic black boxes. Obviously a calorie deficit is necessary but calories in depends on hunger and calories out depends on metabolism, both of these are controlled by hormones, which is controlled by the types of food you eat. Cut out all carbs and processed food and you will easily get thin and healthy. Calorie count while eating shit and you will constantly feel shit and hungry and you will regain any weight you lose.

yeah, fuck sugar generally but walking won't ever work in the US

Because thin privilege and the demands to improve your physical condition and not shove 9000 calories in your mouth every day is part of the patriarchal white supremacy. Strong empowered folx are taking pharmaceuticals daily to exist because they’re addicted to food — and that’s a good thing!

>Literally every piece of food you eat is processed to shit.

Not all of us are brainwashed by ZOG propaganda, koala-bro. Lentils, brown rice, a garden, and a well stocked herb/spice cabinet has been a blessing for me.

Do you want to do a match about who's been here longer? Really? Fuck fatties, they've destroyed their bodies by their own hand. I don't want to listen to the stupid mental gymnastics. It's as dumb as a vaxxtard.

I use oil and wood. I'kek

For me it's the liter and a half of liquor I've drank everyday for the last 4 years that made me go from 170 lbs to 310 lbs. I barely even eat anymore, at most once a day

Shut the fuck up and just eat less you fat coping loser. Millions of people aren't fat pieces of shit and never think a second about that.

It's not just America. Every western nation has an overweight problem, America's is just the worst.

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Nigger, you're destroying your body too by beaing weak. You think it's healthy to not have muscle mass?

Being a little fat and strong and muscilar is far far better than being skinny and weak.

Brother we have more in common than you think. You may be having a bad day or you're used to people taking shit and it's rubbed off on you. Trust me I get it. Just take it easy man. You can inspire those who have fallen further than you instead of condemning them.

The megacity thing has some sense to it, a lot of work in the modern day is very sedentary and manual labour is dying out with increased automation, specifically transport. On the other hand though, it is their fault that they haven't made the necessary lifestyle adjustments to counteract it. The 'megacities' are literally full of fucking gyms, join one.

>Fuck fatties, they've destroyed their bodies by their own hand.
Many Americans are obese by the time they are 10. The society and their parents are to blame. If you just live a normal life in America you will become fat and your children will be fat. It is an unhealthy society by default. You have to go out of your way to be healthy and fit in America. This is not how it should be. It should require effort to be fat and unhealthy, not the opposite.

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I don’t need to eat less because I’ve just dropped 4 stone and am thin now. I did this without ever feeling hungry by simply eating the right foods, never had to count a calorie. You have a low IQ and no understanding of nutrition or biology.

I know nothing about thyroid shit, but I agree that anyone that uses the "muh metabolism" excuse is just lazy or making excuses. Even if they truly do have do have low metabolism, weight loss is still a matter of calories in < calories out.