How the fuck do you even fight when some nigger sitting in a room 300 kms away can press a button to instantly kill you...

How the fuck do you even fight when some nigger sitting in a room 300 kms away can press a button to instantly kill you with a missile.

Attached: 1647165097032.webm (640x511, 2.76M)

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Biden tongue my anus

Well OBVIOUSLY that person isn't your real enemy is it now? The real enemy is the legislator who disenfranchised you.

If you killed your bad politicians more often, you would have your own special nigger base with weapons.

By ditching your uniform and embedding yourself within your civilians and fighting a guerilla war

You don't, you survive and wait for them to move in. Then you commit atrocities on them.

obviously by being a civie insurgent

git gud /thread

first, you spread out and dont give your enemy a juicy target

Fight as an Irregular.

those are grad rockets

You learn from past conflicts, where superiority in everything doesn't mean you'd win a protracted war.

Haha Jesus Christ quite the narrative man. I have actually fought and stared death in the face before, but thanks for spreading your own insecurities onto me. How many wars have you been involved in? This is my third. Also happily married so not sure who I'm impressing with the ladies. Also you want to tell all the refugees I assisted in medical tents that I was pretending to be playing COD? Cause I'm sure they wouldn't take much of what a keyboard warrior says seriously anyways

You've sucked one too many cocks, totally rotted your brain.

you were the meatbag waiting to get hit by the IED not the comfy goathearder who went home to his wife and muffafla

get bent fag

Don't respond to the Australian meme flag shit poster you easily manipulated faggots

Very carefully

The answer: you can't anymore. War has changed.

Great, a new copypasta the newfaggots will fall for every single time.

I can think of a few ways, however I'm not publicly allowed to talk about hacking spirnet

Attached: mirc (2).jpg (1350x900, 159.22K)

Dig hole, Slavic Squat in tiny foxhole, have thermal reflective blanket wrapped around hole cover (air gapped), cover Trapdoor Spider Popup Funtime playroom cover with dirt or sod or a wet flat cardboard box (or other common trash). Wait for enemies ... CHEEKI BREEKI!

siprnet* it's 6am and I've not slept for 3 days, there's an exciting cyberwar on

You can't leaf. If you kill your enemies they win.

Attached: 1643953676347.webm (640x360, 220.2K)

so far it's working better than expected :)

Attached: 1627918045522m.jpg (608x1024, 54.22K)

Yeah people who think war is epic gun battles are dumb. You get blown to pieces long before you get to do that.

then you are 300km away from the place you should be destroying 1st

It's spelled "gorilla"

You replied to it you stupid fuck so you helped. You can't reply to troll posts and pretend you are above it when you gave what they wanted

I haven't seen this one, but it's newfags, fyi. Fucking newfag.

I assume its just a spy drone.
Is there a drone that can actively guide projectiles or missiles? or it would be way too complex for using?

For the people unaware

Attached: fought and stared death in the face before.png (1184x189, 47.46K)

How Not To Be Seen Monty Python's Flying Circus

Of course, it's a bit more complex in the age of smartphones, so don't carry them. RFID scan your clothes and stuff to make certain you're not betraying your location to EM Snoopers.

Thermal Camouflage and Optical Camo is good, but best is Hyperspectral Camouflage (reflected infrared chemical spectragram per pixel). Hyperspectral imaging can tell you the difference between skin and a rubber mask a mile away or sixteen white powders at that distance by chemical signature. Fake foliage on your Gillie suit? Hyperspectral imaging can tell cloth leaves from plastic from paper leaves easily at a distance, best to mimic the IR Spectragram of your plants you hide near too.

Did you think he was being serious? How did you just not dismiss him by default? Do you really think any post made by a gay flag or nigger flag is serious? How gullible are you?


Traditionally this has been done by getting one or several wives very early in life and focusing primarily on having kids and raising them with your same values so that when you die your sons will carry on the fight for you and your daughters will be pumping out more fighters. Essentially, you don't win against an absolute advantage like that, your progeny does because your enemy is unwilling to commit to annihilating or breaking up your clan completely as would have been done through most of human history by people's who had an absolute advantage like this.

Now you know why so many Americans hesitate larping shit

you can not shed the uniform of your skin color.